
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pin-it and Do-it Challenge: Complete!

The lovely Trish from Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity, has been hosting this Pin-It and Do-It challenge for I think most of the year.  I haven't participated until now, because I did not want to get sucked into the vortex that is Pinterst.  However, I could not resist Trish and her cute little button for December's round of the challenge.

Pinterest can be a time suck, but there are many ideas to draw inspiration from as well as beautiful pictures to view.  I don't visit too often, but when I do I always find something to pin.

I chose the Timid Pinner level which is 1-3 pins.  I Pinned and Did two items.

First up is Crispy Edamame

Trader Joe's usually sells frozen shelled edamame but they didn't have any when I went.  So I bought frozen edamame, let it defrost a bit, and then shelled them.


That was a pain in the butt.

Followed the directions for roasting, and here they are:

They did not come out as crispy as I thought they would, but maybe because they were not frozen.  Edamame is very filling, so I only ate a little at a time.  Brought the remainder to work and ate them cold.  They were tasty to me.  I will definitely make this again.  My Pin.  Original Pin.

Second Pin was Spinach Parmesan cakes.

Very easy to make.  Used two bags of fresh spinach but you could easily used chopped frozen spinach and let it defrost. Followed the recipe but would omit the salt next time.  A bit too salty for me.
They are delicious and I will make these again too!  Great for adding a veggie to your lunch at work\, and calorie conscious too.  My Pin.  Original Pin

And that's my post for the Pin-It and Do-It Challenge.  I had fun and I just may do it again.  Two pins per month is doable :)

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