
Monday, September 10, 2012

BBAW 2012: Bloggers I Appreciate

Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW) was created by Amy of My Friend Amy. This is the fifth year of the event and it's all about showing your love of all things people and book blogging.   

Today's post prompt for BBAW 2012 is to list the bloggers or blogs you appreciate. I would rather not call specific people out, but instead list what I appreciate.
So here goes:
  • First and foremost I appreciate my dear readers and commenters.  You provide more love and support then I think you realize.  You're there to cheer me up, provide a shoulder to cry on, and remind me what this blogging world is all about.  So thank you.
  • I appreciate those bloggers that call attention to issues in the community, such as plagiarism, bully commenters, copyright issues, all the craziness that happens with book covers in the U.S.  These are issues I never considered before or never heard of, so thank you for bringing attention to these issues.
  • I appreciate bloggers who write honest reviews, regardless of the source of the book.  I want your opinion, not how you think you should feel.
  • I appreciate bloggers who force me to try a book I never would think to read before, or try cooking a meal that's brand new to me.  Strongly suggesting I broaden my horizons.
  • I appreciate bloggers who make me reconsider how I feel on a subject; making me analyze why I think the way I do and why.  You help me to grow.
  • I appreciate all of the individuality of the book blogging community.  There are blogs out there for every person under the sun.  The choice is yours on who to read.
  • I appreciate the friends I've made through blogging.  I know everyone says that, but it's true.  There have been times when I've thought about giving up blogging, but then I think about the friends I've made.  I would miss them.  How can I give this up?
  • Overall, I appreciate the sense of community I have discovered through book blogging.  Each one of us contributes a little piece to this community, and don't you forget it!
You may think this post is a cop out since I didn't post specific blog names.  But you know what, that's what I appreciate about this book blogging community the most: being able to do what I damn well please on my own blog and having people respect it.

What do you appreciate in this community?

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