
Monday, May 21, 2012

Take a Stand! Join the Standalong

One of my favorite and dear blogger friends is hosting a read along for The Stand by dear old Stephen King.  Now Stephen and I are friends from way back, but we had a falling out when I soon discovered you could skip big chunks of some of his novels, and not miss a beat.  Needless to say, I dropped him like a hot potato.  Recently though, I've been thinking of slightly rekindling my relationship with Stephen, especially with respect to some of his older works, namely The Stand and It.  So when Trish mentioned a read along, I was in like Flynn.  So here's the scoop:

The Stand...along Basics:

What: Readalong of The Stand by Stephen King. I'm calling it the Standalong. :)

When: June 1st through July 27th.

Where: Sign up on this post. Midway post will go up July 1st. Wrap-up post will go up July 27th.

How: However you want. Original (shorter) version, Uncut version, Audio version. Post on your blog or don't. You don't have to have a blog (but it does make it fun). Chitchat on Twitter. Think I'll be using #standalong or maybe #thestand. Input?

Why: Why not?? Ok, don't answer that. To have fun!!!

Standalong Get to Know You (if you're posting about the readalong, which I would loooourve if you did but understand if you don't, answer the questions below so we can all get to know you better and where you stand with The Stand) - from Trish but I would like to know too!

1. What makes you want to read The Stand?

It's one of those book I've always heard that one just had to read.  I have seen bits and pieces of TV movie and thought that was pretty good.  It's a doorstopper of a book, so this read along will give me the push I need to read this tome.

2. Describe your preconceived notions of The Stand.

It's about the ultimate battle of good vs evil.

3. What was the last scary(ish) book you read or movie you saw?

Book... escaping me right now, but I know there have been a few.  Movie....Saw, Hostel, family movies like that.

4. Which version of the book will you be reading from?

Complete and uncut at 1141 pages (OMG)

5. What are you previous experiences with Stephen King?

Started out well, but then he just disappointed me.  See intro paragraph above.

6. Anything else you'd like to add (bonus points for being extra random).

I hope this book is compelling reading, and that I enjoy the story.  Whether it scares me or not, I just want a good story.  Please Stephen!  Make it happen!

So what say you?  Are in and taking a Stand???  Hope to see you there.

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