
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Suddenly Sunday (May 27)

Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by SveaThe Muse in the Fog Book Review. 

More like Suddenly Sunday Afternoon!  Hello my chick-a-dees!  How are ya?!  Hope this finds you well and enjoying the weekend.  I can't this month has flown by!  I finished teaching one class, and another one started up right after.  It can be a lot reading and work, but I enjoy it greatly.  Plus I always learn something either from my preparation or from my students.  Teaching is an outlet for me when compared with my day job.  Which is working a nerve right now.  Lets just say there are some major butt holes out there, and that Bitches get Stitches.  You read correctly and that's all I'm saying.

I also celebrated my birthday this month.  It was a low key affair because it was during the week and next year is a big one.  So quiet and understated was the theme this year, although my sweetie did send me flowers at work.  He is just the best.

As for reading I've been plugging along and have some reviews to write.  There was one excellent book, The Tudor Secret by C.W. Gortner, that I just loved, but I have to write that review without revealing anything.  That can be tough.   Gortner better be writing a sequel is all I'm saying :)  Also trying to finish up some reads in anticipation of The Standalong.  I almost started it the other day, but I held off.  I read school work instead.

There's also Armchair BEA coming up on June 3rd.  I thought I had missed it, but when I went to catch up and saw I was early, I was super excited.  I met some really interesting bloggers last year, and enjoyed all the posts and things that go along with Armchair BEA.  So it's not too late!  Visit the site and join in on the fun.

Otherwise, not much else is going on.  I do want to do a Friday Fitness post, and chat about my 2nd nutritionist visit.  Let you know how things are going, but that damn day job keeps getting in the way.  Oh also getting work done on the house.  That also puts a damper on things.  However I couldn't let another Sunday go by without stopping to say hello.  So I'll be by your way eventually this week.  In the mean time have a wonderful day, holiday and fabulous week!

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