
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Suddenly Sunday (Mar. 18) and Giveaway Winners!

Hosted by Svea from Muse in the Fog Book Book Reviews

Hello lovely Readers!  Hope this Sunday finds you all well and enjoying this gorgeous weather.  although truth be told, the crazy weather concerns me a bit.  Global warming and all, it just doesn't seem right.  Anyways, I also hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day and your hangover isn't too bad.  I recommend a nice warm Irish coffee to set you to rights.  

Life in general is good, just crazy busy.  I have hardly posted in March but that can't be helped.  Trying to balance my work reading with my pleasure reading, and again that's always tough as well.  As for review copies, I think I'm just about at my year's limit.  I need to double check.  However, I have started telling people to take me off their lists.  No email offers, no me feeling bad saying no. With two exceptions, I am saying no to everyone.  I also started getting unsolicited books in the mail and I don't like that AT ALL.  I have enough to read, and some of what I have received are things I don't want to read, possibly at all.  Just annoying is all.

On the home front, Kona is doing fantastic.  We have upped our walks to 30 minutes each time, and I now consider her my fitness buddy.  Haven't been able to get to the gym, so i walk at lunch for 30 minutes and then when I come home from work with Kona.  This week I'm bringing back weights to my morning routine, and contacting a nutritionist.  I apologize for no Fitness Friday post this past week but my day job does come first unfortunately.  It pays the bills.  Hopefully the next Fitness Friday I'll have information from the nutritionist to share.

In reading news, I read that at the end of the month is Bloggiesta, and I am considering joining.  There are things I need to clean up on the blog or posts that need to typed, so that weekend would be a good time to do it.  Visit It's all About Books read the post and sign up if interested.

This week on the blog I have a review and tour stop for The King's Agent (LOVED it), and the author Donna Russo Morin with a guest post on Friday.  I may post an old lingering review in between those two, but that what's going on my blog this week.

What are you up to this week?  Any good books or events lately?  Hope life is going well for you :)

Last but not least I have winners from my giveaway of Shana Galen's book The Rogue Pirate's Bride.

Congratulations to Renee Brown and Stacybuckeye

I will be in touch to get your snail mail addresses.  Thanks to all who entered and I'm sorry I don't have copies for everyone.

That's it from me.  Hope your books are good and your week is fab!

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