
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Suddenly Sunday (Feb 26)

Hosted by Svea from The Muse in the Fog Book Review

Hello!  It's been forever since we chatted and I have missed you all dearly.  So I will apologize ahead for the lengthy post.

Puppy Update:

Firstly, thank you all so very much for your well wishes Kona (formerly known as Peanut Butter)  is doing well!  We had our first therapy session on the 17th at WAG and had lots of fun.  The therapist was awesome and the space is wonderful.  It's a big space and Kona ran/hopped around and was excited to be there.  We were there for an hour and half.  We learned therapy exercises and range of motion exercises to continue at home.  Kona also had her first hydrotherapy session. She was a little intimidated at first when the treadmill kicked in, but was okay after a while.  Here's a blurry picture:

There were lots of treats to be had, and we were all exhausted by the time we got home.  We still have to keep Kona as quiet as possible, which is hard with a puppy, but we are doing our best.  She is using her leg more, and I think the fact that she is more comfortable with us helps.  I think we are finally settling in.  Puppies are a lot of work though.  They can be sneaky little things, like stealing tissues off the coffee table, or balls of yarn out of the knitting bag :)

"Your books are next Mommy."


Oh yes, that.  Well, it's been slow going but not because the books are not good.  In fact they are great; fantastic actually.  It's just that I have had things to read for work, on top of the classes I'm's a lot of reading!  Middlemarch has been placed on the side, but not for lack of enjoyment.  I have review books to read, both of which I do not want to put down.  Currently I have The King's Agent by Morin and Girls Like Us by Lloyd.  These books couldn't more different.  The King's Agent is a HF art mystery/adventure and Girls Like Us is about sexually exploitation of young girls in the U.S. Both are compelling stories in their own right, and I would call out of work if I could to read them nonstop.

Tomorrow I have a review of The Rogue Pirate's Bride by Shana Galen and a guest post and giveaway on Tuesday.  Be sure to stop back for that.  As for other review books, I need to get my list in order.  I think I have almost reached my quota for the year.  Galen's book doesn't count because it was originally supposed to be released last year.  I've had it that long.  But in the craziness of the past month I think I have accepted my limit!  Head...needs...examining.  Better yet I should look at my stacks and slap myself.
Regardless, IF I have room, I must be extra, super picky.


Ha-ha-ha!  It's really no laughing matter, but I haven't been to the gym since January 15th!  Not good people, not good.  I've picked up weight.  I can feel it, and I've been eating crappy.  I was sick for a week, and the past month it's been the puppy requiring my time, but still.  So I have been making an effort to walk on lunch, or walk half way home from work, anything to get moving.  The issue is the hubby is home all day with Kona so it's a relief when I get home.  I can't run back out for an hour; it's not right.  So, the gym gets sacrificed.  I did go today and that makes me happy :)

Well that's about it for me.  I think that's plenty.  My apologies for not getting around and visiting blogs lately.  Kona requires lots of attention, and that darn work thing gets in the way.  Hopefully things are letting up and I will try to get around this week.  So until then happy reading and have a great week!

What have you been up to lately?  Let me know :)

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