
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's up Wednesday?

What’s up Wednesday is a weekly catch up event. I discuss anything that’s on my mind, or what may be happening in my life. It’s my take on “me time”. Feel free to join along in the comments or leave a link to your What’s up Wednesday post.

This week is about another one of most favorite TV shows: Fringe.

Season 4 premieres this Friday, the 23rd at 9:00 pm.  I have watched this show since day one and loved every minute of it.  Now you may say to yourself, it’s sci-fi I don’t like that; it looks creepy and scary; who the heck are these people and why should I care?  All valid reasons but if want good drama, interesting and fascinating characters with a side of scary and humor, then Fringe is the show for you.  What may be viewed as a “freak of the week” show is actually a show that  asks big questions: What would you do for those you loved?  Are you willing to sacrifice yourself or loved ones for the greater good? How do you balance the fate of two worlds who have equal rights to live? Who are you to make that determination? Can you forgive someone who has done you an irreparable wrong?  Can you let go of someone you love for their own good?

Sounds pretty heavy, right?  These issues are but Fringe incorporates all of these issues in such a compelling way, that it has become appointment TV for my husband and I.  Not only is the writing fantastic but the actors are as well.  They have to be, since they have double roles to play.  Say what? Yes, there are two universes, the Blue (ours) and the Red (over there).  The characters are almost complete opposites and each actor has dual roles.  Do you know how hard that is to pull it off believably?  They did it and weren’t even recognized with an Emmy nomination for their work. (Sorry but I’m bitter about that.)  And now there is a bridge between the universes so they can work together to co-exist.  They must because they are symbiotic.  However, old habits and grudges die hard.  Interested?  Intrigued?  I hope you are.  

You can catch up on things by heading over to Fringe’s website:

There is a video that will explain everything and if you have more questions feel free to ask.

As I was thinking about this post, I realized there are very few TV shows I consider appointment television.  There is one more show that I will highlight in a few weeks, but other than that, not many.  

Do you have TV shows that you consider "appointment TV"?  If so, why?  Also, what's up with you this Wednesday? 

Take care :)