
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's Up Wednesday

What’s up Wednesday is a weekly catch up event. I discuss anything that’s on my mind, or what may be happening in my life. It’s my take on “me time”. Feel free to join along in the comments or leave a link to your What’s up Wednesday post.

This week is about blogging.  My knitting friend and I were talking about blogging.  How it can feel like a job after a while, I don't have much to say, the reasons we started our blog have changed over time, etc.  She primarily  keeps a knitting blog, whereas I keep this book blog, with some knitting from time to time (more of this in the future).  I also include some personal things.  Basically we both have been starting to feel that posting can be a bit of a pain.  It's starting to feel like a job and we don't have enough time to do the things we want to do, like read and comment on other blogs.

I have been trying to find a balance between reading for pleasure vs. review copies.  I also have the perpetual battle of getting my reviews done timely.  Timely in that, I remember what I read and how I felt.  As for reading, I have become better at being super selective in my review copies.  I am very happy for that.  I have even gone so far as to figure out my creepy reads for October.  Books I own!  YES can you believe it?!  So that part I'm good with.

As for the review thing, I feel the need to write a review for every single book I read.  I don't always write them quick enough and then I forget what the heck I wanted to say.  So, I may stop writing reviews on here for those quick and easy books, and put them on Goodreads instead.  Or, maybe just do Six Sentence Reviews like Staci does on Saturdays.  That may work.  Like a drive by.  Drive by Book reviews.  That may work too.

I am not going to stop blogging all together.  I have made too many friends I enjoy and would miss if I stopped.  I love reading blogs and getting to know you all.  But I need to blog smarter and better.  Streamline the process if you will.  My blog will always be a work in progress, and I am good with that.  I like to think of it as CQI = Continuous Quality Improvement.

So what do you all think?  Do you have these issues as well or is it just a funk I am in at the moment?
Any suggestions?