
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Review: White Sleeper by D. Fett & S. Langford

Publisher: Synergy Books
Genre: Thriller, suspense
Paperback,  272 pages
Book Source: Phenix & Phenix
My Rating: 90/100

From the book's website:

When Arkansas experiences a wave of rare fatal diseases, the CDC sends disgraced doctor Dave Richards to investigate, and he knows this is the case that could save his career. When he teams up with FBI agent Paula Mushari, Richards thinks he may have found the person who can help him find the answers. But as they dig deeper, they begin to get a sinister glimpse into what they are dealing with—a vengeful sect, led by the son of a late white supremacist, intent on destroying a nation. As Richards fights to save his job, he and Mushari must race against the clock to prevent a plague of catastrophic proportions.

My Thoughts:

This was quite the fast paced book.  It was exciting, suspenseful, and quick.  It reminded of the television show 24.  You know, with Jack Bauer.  Not just because of the plot, a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, but the fast pace, the characters who have flaws but are trying to do a good job, the bureaucratic nonsense; everything combined together would make a good TV show.  It would probably have to be fleshed out more for the small screen though.

Anyway, the scenes in the book jump from place to place, but not that it makes you loose your place.  Events are happening and the reader needs to be there.  The dialogue is also short and quipped, again like a TV show.  It adds to the fast feeling of the story.

As for the characters, we don't learn very much about Agent Mushari.  She is a minority woman trying to climb the ranks for the FBI.  She has the hots for Richards.  That's it.  I liked her, but she wasn't that developed.  With respect to Dr. Richards, he is the guy you are pulling for.  He has issues and his career is in the toilet.  Then he stumbles upon something, and although he can improve his situation, he is more focused on stopping this plot.  Even if he means he makes more enemies; people come first.

Again, this was a suspenseful read, and the pages just flew by.  Not what I expected and I liked it.  If there is a follow-up to this book, and there could be since the door is open,  I would definitely read it.  In a heart beat.

For more information, please visit the book's website:

Thanks to Phoebe from Phenix & Phenix for sending me an ARC.

2011 Challenges Met: Mystery & Suspense