
Monday, May 16, 2011

Armchair BEA 2011

The Book Expo America (BEA) and Book Bloggers Convention is scheduled for May 23-27 in New York city.  For those of us unable to attend there is the opportunity to participate in the Armchair BEA, hosted by the awesome people over at the Armchair BEA blog.

They did this last year and I could not participate, however this year I am going to try my darndest to do some posts or something.  They also have an interviewing thing, whihc may still be open for sign ups, but if not there is a list of participants here.  At least this way we can float around and read about new to us bloggers and get to know them. 

So if you have some free time, be sure to check out the Armchair BEA this year :)