
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (May 9)

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea from Confessions and Musing of a Muse in the Fog.  Be sure to stop by there for more Sunday posts.

Happy Sunday and Happy Mother's Day!  Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and special day.  My mom and I spent a lovely day together at a flea market, her favorite thing to do.  As usual, we got a little lost, because we always do, but we also laugh our butts off the whole day too.

So, as far as reading goes, I am currently reading Prima Donna by Megan Chance.  Interesting although a bit sad.  And lets just say the frontier land of Seattle in the 1870's is one tough place to live.  Whew!  Thank goodness for paved streets and clean water.  I am also reading the Handy Law Answer Book by David L. Hudson, Jr.  This book so far is chock full of information, but so far so good, it reads well.  Next up is Uncertain Magic by Laura Kinsale.  I believe it was released a few days ago.  Yes, I'm a bit behind, but that is because I was away last weekend.

Where you may ask?  Oh, a place I would advise against going to...ever.  My husband had a free trip offer to Reno, Nevada, so we figured how bad could it be?  Lets try it.  Luckily, we have fun wherever we go, because other than that, it was not fun.  I'm sorry if you like Reno and are offended, but honey, Atlantic City, New Jersey is better.  And that is saying something.  I am not a fancy girl by any means, but I'm glad I have street smarts.  Lets just leave it at that.  I think if we would have stayed at the Peppermill Resort we would have had a better time.  Our trip was from Harrah's so we had to stay there. 

I did meet Debbie Macomber though.  I was sitting at the Peppermill, knitting a shawl, and this woman walked by, stopped and said, "I knit too!"  We chatted for a couple minutes and then she tells my "I'm Debbie Macomber."  "Oh you write books!"  I felt bad because I haven't gotten around to reading any of her work, but I have knit several of her patterns from said books.  Long story short, she was in town for a book signing, and she was a very lovely person to meet.  Unfortunately I couldn't knit with her, but I did drop her an email and told her to look me up the next time she is in Philly.  I better read one of her books pretty soon.

My Flyers were also able to stave off elimination and being swept Friday night against the Bruins.  Next game is Monday in Boston  As much as I keep hope alive, I am not a fool.  My boys were lucky enough to get in the playoffs at all, so it's all good.  However, I will say this, I have watched many of the other hockey games this playoff season.  I have never seen so many calls go Pittsburgh's way in my life!  My goodness, can you fix the games any more Gary Bettman!  If you call things one way, you have to call them the other, and the refs don't in any of the Pittsburgh games so far.  Now I know I may be slightly biased, but seriously, it's very obvious how you want these games to go.  Hockey will never be as popular as football or baseball.  Deal and move on.  Stop ruining the sport! 

Breath Jenny....breath.  Ok rant over. So other than work being insane, everything else is going well.  I'll find out soon if my first summer class is a go.  I am also going to teach another class in the second half of the summer.  That one is a definite go.  I am excited and such a nerd, aren't I? Oh well, but that's me!

Well, enjoy your week and happy reading :)  See you around blog land!


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  1. You are one lucky chickie!! To meet Debbie that way how flippin' fantastic!!! Now get to reading one of her books!! LOL!!!

  2. I'm green with envy, love Debbie Macomber's books. I'm with Staci, get your butt into gear and read one LOL.
    So glad you had a lovely, laughy day with your mum, I love flea markets and op shops too although I havent been in quite a while.

    Happy reading, working and all that jazz but don't forget to breathe. Take care xxoo

  3. Never been to REno and it's pretty safe to say that it is not some place I'm likely to end up.
    And what a very cool way to meet an author. SHE started a conversation with YOU. She sounds lovely.

  4. Oh wow! I love how you met Debbie Macomber! That is just too cool!

  5. Hey Jenny girl!
    That is too funny that you met Debbie by chance! I waited to meet her for a few hours when she was in Philly! I'm a huge fan of hers!

  6. Jenny,

    Just had to post to say that I so love the design of your site. Everytime I stop by, your lead pic makes me smile..."What book shall I read today?" Nice problem to have :)

    Have a wonderful week!


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I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)