
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (May 23)

Suddendly Sunday is hosted by Svea from Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog. Please stop by there to read hers and others Sunday posts.

Well hello my dear readers!  And how are you today?  Hope this finds you as well as I am.  Although it is true I am a wee bit sad about the end of LOST tonight, I am happy to finally see the end.  As much as I enjoy the show, I do feel that at times I was taken for a joyride with no hopes of getting that hour of my life back.  Now I will have that time back to use on another T.V, show. 

Speaking of which, I just found out that Legend of the Seeker has been cancelled (IMDB link).  This is  a fun show that delivers every week.  It's based on Goodkind's series of 9 tomes, which I have yet to read, although the first one is on my nightstand. It was filmed in New Zealand, so I'm sure it was quite expensive to film, but the scenery was gorgeous. 

If you are sad about the end of LOST, an excellent I highly recommend is Fringe.  You can catch up over the summer.  The writing and acting are some of the best around.

As far as reading goes, because I do read books in addition to watching all of this TV, I am in the middle of Stealing Lumby, the second book in the series by Gail Fraser.  So far this is a nice, easy, cozy read.  After my latest trip to Lumby it is on to the Cornish Coast of England with  A Cottage by the Sea by Ciji Ware, my new favorite author.  Definitely looking forward to that one.

On the review front, I am behind. I know I say this every week, but unfortunately it is true.  I finished Uncertain Magic which was alright.  I also have Shana Galen author of the Making of a Duchess coming to visit in early June, so I really need to get cracking on that review as well. 

I have been busy watching hockey since my boys in the orange and black are doing so well. Game 5 and possible series clincher is tomorrow night. They haven't been to the Finals since 1997, so I am excited. The city will go nuts. Not as crazy as for the Phillies, but nuts all the same.

Other than that, life is pretty busy.  Work is always busy, but I have time sensitive work that needs to be finished.  No pressure :)  Oh, and as far as the teaching thing goes, the class I was scheduled for was cancelled, but I have another opportunity coming up in July.  That class is two nights a week, but it's more structured.

Well enjoy your week, especially you lucky gals heading out to BEA in New York.  Have lots of fun and I wish I was there with you.  Although with all of those books....maybe it's a good thing I'm not there.  Still, would love to meet you all someday.  Peace out home slices and happy reading :)

Go Flyers!

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  1. alright was my reaction to Uncertain Magic too.

  2. We like Legend of the Seeker as well - sorry to hear that it's being cancelled. We're looking forward to Lost tonight but I agree with you, it's time to end it and hopefully get answers!!

  3. I'm watching Fringe first season this weekend and loving it! Olivia is such a wonderful character.:)

  4. Happy Sunday! I've never seen LOST but I feel like I know quite a bit about it just based on what I've read across the blogosphere, lol. We will miss you at BEA. I'm hosting Shana Galen too, though I'm not reviewing the book, so I will definitely look forward to your review!

  5. The Goodkind series is pretty awesome that is until about book 6..then I quit caring about any of the characters! enjoy your last episode tonight!!!

  6. hi jenny! looking at your title, i can't believe it's already the end of may but i'm looking forward to summer vacation starting! i wish i lived on the east coast and can go to the BEA--nice to know i'm not the only one going to the "it" event for book lovers.

    hmmm... i've never heard of shana galen i don't think so i can't wait for that review! have a wonderful week jenny! :)

  7. I cried watching the series finale of LOST. I'll definitely miss it.
    Have a great week hun!
    I'll have to check Fringe out.


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