
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Reflections (Jan. 24)

Hey Everybody! How are you? Hope this finds you all well and enjoying whatever books you may be reading at the moment. This week has been crazy! I caught a cold earlier in the week and work is just....INSANE! Like flying monkeys insane. So here's to hoping for a better week this time around.

In reading news, I'm thisclose to finishing Island of the Swans. Great book, and I know several other bloggers are also reading this one and liking it as well. I will have Ciji Ware here for an interview and giveaway in February. So be sure to stop by for that. Next up I have Marsha Altman's third book in her Darcys and Bingleys series, Mr. Darcy's Great Escape. I can never get enough of my favorite Austen characters, and Altman's books are a great after P&P series.

As far as blogging goes, I still have some posts from 2009 that need to be written, but as far as 2010 goes, I'm current. So what's going on with you? Read any good books lately? I sure hope so. Oh and before I forget, speaking of Austen, Masterpiece Classic has part 1 of Emma tonight starting at 9:00 pm. It's a new rendering of this timeless classic.

Happy reading, have a good week, and enjoy Emma.
Take care :)

For your viewing pleasure...(you tube link)


  1. Grats and lots of great reads, all YA.

  2. i hope you're feeling better! i'm just getting over a flu myself. i'm so excited! i just found out about emma today! it's is my favorite austen story after p&p :)

  3. Hope you are feeling better andthe monkeys keep their feet to the ground :)
    I loved this book, and the other Ciji Ware novels, when I read it a few years ago. And I'm really looking forward to your interview. She needs to write more books!

  4. My DVR is already set for Emma!!! Take care of yourself and hopefully this week the monkeys will stay in their cages!!!

  5. Sorry to hear about your cold- lots of people around me are sick as well.

  6. I am watching Emma as I comment! Hope that nasty cold is gone.

  7. Uhm, i know this sounds silly but i just finished reading twilight saga's last book. I know, i know. I'm way too behind but hey! I have finished it, better late than never right? A much as i would love to read all that books you're reading, i just don't know eher to find those books! My place where im residing is way behind already (just like me).

    And about your colds, vitamin c (ascorbic acid) and lots of water if ever it'll come back. :)

  8. Hope you feel better soon and work settles down, cause it's crap when life gets in the way of reading and blogging LOL. "Flying monkeys insane" haven't heard that one before but I love it!

    I'm reading some great books but getting behind in reviews, surprise surprise :-) I still have reviews not done from 2009, I think I'll give up on them hahaha!

    Fingers crossed you have a better week {hugs}

  9. I hope you're back to yourself soon!

    I'm reading Searching for Tina Turner and I'm liking it even more than I thought I would.

  10. Just wanted to stop in and wish you get well soon wishes! I feel like I have been slightly ill for a year. Wonderful stuff this cold and flu business.

    And I finished The Swans as well.. and LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT and I am SOOOOO happy that Sourcebooks is picking up her backlist. I will have an interview as well... It's going to be awesome, I can't wait to see yours.

  11. Feel better! You've won an award on my blog!

  12. Thank you for all the well wishes! I feel much better this week although the monkeys are still hanging out with me. I'll have them eating out of my hand soon enough!
    All of your books sound interesting as well. hmmm where is my tbr list???


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)