
Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's my 1st Blogaversary.....and I have a contest.

Happy 1st Blogaversary to me!

Today, December 3, marks my one year Blogaversary. I have learned so much, grown in terms of writing my reviews, and met so many lovely people this post year. I have made friends across the U.S, Canada, and Australia. When I started this blog, I never imagined I would have this much fun. Sure, sometimes it can be a pain in the butt and lots of work, but what isn't from time to time. That's life my friends. I have learned many new things, and discovered lots of new books and authors.

To celebrate my 1st Blogaversary, I will be giving away three of my gently read books, to three individual people.

You may choose one book from the following:

The Red Leather Diary by Lily Koppel
Children of Dust by Ali Eteraz
Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick
Legacy by Cayla Kulver (ARC)
Benny and Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti
Dancing with Ana by Nicole Barker
the Lie by Fredrica Wagman
The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
Honeymoon by James Patterson

So how do you enter?
Leave me a comment with your email address, and your three picks. I will do a random draw of three people. First person has first choice, second person, second, third person, third choice. I will try to accomodate your choices.

And since I am not rich, this is only open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.
Sorry to my Aussie posse and other international friends.

This contest is open until midnight, December 24th.

Good luck and thanks for making my first year a success and lots of fun :)

Here is an oldie but goodie. These were two of my favorite characters.


  1. Happy Blogiversary Jenny!!!

    Raising my glass to more years of blogging success!

    We love ya!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! Isn't it exciting? Mine next month ;-)

    The Red Leather Diary by Lily Koppel
    Legacy by Cayla Kulver (ARC)
    Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick

  3. congratulations jenny! happy one year! :)

    and thank you for the contest. great selection of books! :)

    children of dust
    the red leather diary

    bookmakeupreview @ gmail . com

  4. How fun I would love to enter!

    Jenn@ :) THANK YOU!

  5. Congrats on completing your first year! Here are my choices:
    1. Children of Dust
    2. Benny and Shrimp
    3. Red Leather Diary

    Thanks for the great contest!
    joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

  6. Congratulations Jenny!!

    Great giveaway.

    1.Children of the Dust
    2.Red Leather Diary
    3.Benny and Shrimp

    fmlj94 at yahoo dot com

  7. It has been great getting to know you over the last year. Happy Blogoversary!

  8. HEY! WOW We both have our 1 year blog/o/i/versaries in December! That's wild! We are kindred souls.

    Congratulations for surviving the year, and I am very appreciative of the support you've given to me and my blog. Truly!

    I would love to win Helen Hollick's book, so puh-lease enter me!

  9. What an awesome giveaway!!

    1. Pendragon's Banner
    2. Dancing With Ana

    Thanks !!!

  10. Congrats! I just passed the 6 month mark myself. Hope you have a great second year!

  11. Happy Blogoversary, and thanks for thinking about us.

    Here are my three choices:
    1. Red Leather Diary
    2. Legacy
    3. Dancing with Ana.


  12. I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

    My three picks are:
    1) Children of Dust by Ali Eteraz
    2) The Red Leather Diary by Lily Koppel
    3) Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick


  13. Happy Blogoversary! Jenny. I send you a email regarding a blog award and would love to hear from you before I post tomorrow.
    All the very best,

  14. Happy Blogiversary! I'd like to be entered for Benny and Shrimp. milou2ster(at)

  15. Congratualtions on your blogoversary! Love the Muppets clip.
    I'd love the read Benny or Shrimp and The Red Leather Diary.
    stacybooks at yahoo

  16. Don't enter me Jen - I just wanted to say Happy Blogiversary! I'm so happy to have met you and become friends over this past year.

  17. Hi Jenny,

    First congratulations on the blog anniversary and second for receiving a blogger award.

    Please come by World Market Portraits and see if you like any of my 5 blogs to follow

  18. Hello! I just found you today, a day after your year blog-a-versary.

    I look forward to getting to know your blog over the next year, and congrats on your success.

  19. Congratulations on the blogoversary!

    Look forward to seeing you again on your next one :)

  20. Congrats on your 1yr blogaversary.
    Many more. Hopefully one day, when I put my mind to it, I can reach that milestone.

    My choices:
    1. The Red Leather Diary
    2. Children of the Dust
    3. Benny and Schrimpf

    Thanks for the chance

  21. Happy Blogiversary Jenny!! :-) congrats and here's to many more!

  22. No need to enter me! Happy Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations for a blog well done. ... and many many more. Thanks for your sweet comments and support over the last year. I can't wait to see what you are writing about in 2010.

  23. Marie: Thank you and ditto!

    Toni: Thank you! You are one of the first people I met through book blogging and I am so glad I did. It must be becasue we are knitters :) I look forward to your posts in 2010.

  24. happy blogversary! congrats! I'm glad I found your wonderful blog :)

  25. Happy Blogoversary, mandatory singing and *happy dance* underway. Looking forward to your posts in 2010 :-)

  26. Jenny!! Happy Belated Blogiversary!!! sorry I missed you on the day of..but still, I didn't want to pass up the chance to congratulate you. YOur blog is wonderful and you're always the sweetest. You have helped make my year wonderful (it will be a year for me too very soon). Keep up the great work!!! Love your blog:D Hugs, Lucy

  27. Congratulations on your first year, Jenny! Best wishes for many more.

  28. Happy Blogaversary!!! A really nice giveaway, and all the books sound great. Please enter me. Thanks!

    Dancing with Ana
    Children of the Dust


  29. I'm coming a bit late to the party, I just found your lovely blog. Congratulations on one year of blogging. And, what a nifty giveawy. My choices would be:
    Benny and Shrimp
    Red Leather Diary

  30. congrats~~~

    my picks are

    the lie


  31. Please enter me.

  32. Please enter me in this giveaway.

  33. Please enter me in this giveaway!

    1. Children of Dust
    2. Benny and Shrimp
    3. Red Leather Diary

    saemmerson at yahoo dot com

    Sarah Emmerson

  34. Regarding my above entry, I wanted to note that I live in California and it is not yet midnight here. It's 12/24 at 11:22pm. :)

    Happy holidays!

    Sarah Emmerson


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)