
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Reflections (Nov. 29)

Hello Everyone!
Hope this finds you all well, and that a lovely weekend was had by all. I didn't get everything done this weekend that I wanted to, but at least some of the house is clean. I usually have my tree up and decorated this weekend, but since my doggie's couch is a bit larger than usual, we are having space issues. Therefore, this will be the first year we go with a live tree. Yes, a live tree, although probably a Chuck Brown version, again due to space.

And I am okay with this, because as much as I love this time of the year, and all the stuff that goes with it, it sucks having to take all those decorations down when it's over. It's a little depressing, and finding the time is difficult. So only my best ornaments will go on the tree and that will still probably take me all day to do :)

So on the reading horizon, I have an interview and giveaway starting tomorrow for Kathryne Kennedy's newest release, My Unfair Lady. I am reading it now, and so far so good, except for one passage in the book. It's a nice, easy breezy romance with a bit of mystery.

I am also reading Defenders of the Scroll by Shiraz which is really geared more towards young children, like ages 10 and up, I guess. I should have a review of that later this week, and also a review for The Recipe Club. I finished that last night. There are some tasty sounding recipes in there, and I plan to make one of them later this month.

Oh! And before I forget again, I just finished listening to Frankenstein. What a great book! I listened to it on a free podcast called Craftlit hosted by Heather Ordover. The podcast tag line is "A Podcast for Crafters Who Love Books". Heather is a former English teacher so she explains things and sets up the chapters. This made the listening quite interesting and I learned much more with Heather, than I would have if I just read the book on my own. The beginning of the podcast is some knitting stuff, so you can fast forward a wee bit until she gets to the book part. Heather has done several classics and I look forward to listening to some more. It makes my work-outs much more interesting.

I also have another contest coming on Thursday. Why? Because it's my 1st Bloggaversary!!! Woo-hoo! I will be giving away some of my gently read books so stop back on Thursday if you can.

Well I think that is plenty for one week, so enjoy the rest of your day and happy reading everyone :)


  1. Wohoo :D Mine is coming up soon too. Mmm I want to eat that one

  2. We have a Chrlie Brown Christmas tree in our backyard and I think I'm actually going to hang a few ornaments onit this year.
    Listening to Frankenstein that way sounds great! I'll have to look into it.

  3. We might do the christmas tree and decorating this coming weekend, a little later than usual but I just havent had the time or the energy so I can relate to what you're saying.

    Defenders of the Scroll was a good story but I thought the writing was unpolished, I guess I should remember that it is geared for younger children but I don't remember it being marketed at that age group when I received the book from the author? Do you?

    Woohoo on your 1st blogoversary approaching, an exciting milestone reached. I'll be back to cheer and do the happy dance LOL


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)