
Monday, October 26, 2009

Musing Monday (Oct. 26)

Musing Monday is hosted by Rebecca from Just One More Page

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about note taking…

Do you take notes while reading – either for your reviews or for yourself? How/where do you make these notes (on the page, post-its, scrap paper, notebooks etc)?

I only take notes for my reviews, which I do for every book now. There are things I want to remember or observations I make, that if I don't write down, will be lost forever.

I DO NOT write in books. Even if I own the book, I just don't. I have a notebook I write all my stuff in. Notes, reviews, interview questions, the whole lot. Sometimes I use scraps of paper or post-its, if my notebook isn't handy.

The only time I don't take notes, is if the book is engrossing and I don't want to put it down. When I'm finished reading for the moment, then I'll jot of few notes down.

How about you? Are you a note taker?


  1. Hello Jenny,

    I have the same sentiments as you are. I love jotting down notes after reading a book for review purposes only. I take down notes on how I felt about the characters, the plot, etc. and what aspects of the story I didn't like.

    I use my notebook (which also contained my entire TBR list) when I jot down notes because I can't make myself to scribble on the pages of the book.

  2. I do scribble a few notes down if I'm not too engrossed to stop, usually on scraps of paper which I invariably lose before my review is done LOL. But I do put small sticky notes on pages to mark quotes or things I want to remember!
    Like you,, I'd never write in a book *eek*

  3. I'd be a lost puppy without my notepad.

  4. I always use post-its or some sort of stickers.

  5. oh, you organized folks with notebooks and such...I am impressed.

  6. I would never write in a book! I love those little post-it flags and have them all over the house.

  7. I've only wrote in one book and that was my copy of Pride and Prejudice. I use post-it notes all of the time and very rarely take notes.

  8. I never take notes. I just write the reviews as soon as I finish the book. That way it's still fresh in my mind.

  9. I know writing in books seems to be a perpetration to many book lovers, that is why I started using post-its. :)

  10. I keep multiple notebooks. I try not to write in a book unless there is a glaring error, such as the time the author referred to a location at 93 degrees north latitude. Duh, no such thing. Where would that be? a couple hundred miles suspended above the north pole.

  11. how many notes I take often tells me how much I enjoy the book. but this isn't failproof because if a book is SOO good and flies! then I realize I didn't take any notes at all. I like to write down words I don't know.


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)