
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teaser Tuesday (Sept 29)

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by MizB from Should Be Reading.
The rules are as follows:

*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I have two today. I'm backed in my reading due to work obligations. So I had to start a second book to meet my blogging commitments. Both are excellent, so I hate having to read both at the same time.

"Roxie takes a sip of root beer and makes another face, Oh whatever. "There's f--ked-up stuff happening all over the city, not just here," she says thoughtfully. "But Doors appearing, earth and air-why would your Door disappear?"
pg. 117 Salt and Silver by Anna Katherine

"The Pendragon chuckled at her hesitation. He leant across the gap between them and kissed her in a different way form how he kissed Gwenhwyfar. Brigid was for using, his Cymraes (Gwenhwyfar) for loving."
pg 319, Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick

What are you teasing me with today?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Review: Nefertiti by Michelle Moran

Author: Michelle Moran
Publisher: Three Rivers Press (May 27, 2008)
Genre:Historical fiction
Paperback,496 pages
Book Source: the library

From the author's website:
The sweeping story of a powerful Egyptian family, Nefertiti: A Novel tells the tale of two sisters, the first of whom is destined to rule as one of history’s most fascinating queens.

Beautiful Nefertiti and her sister, Mutnodjmet, have been raised far from the court of their aunt, the Queen of Egypt. But when the Pharaoh of Egypt dies, their father’s power play makes Nefertiti wife to the new and impetuous king. It is hoped she will temper King Amunhotep’s desire to overturn Egypt’s religion, but the ambitious Nefertiti encourages Amunhotep’s outrageous plans instead, winning the adoration of the people while making powerful enemies at court. Younger yet more prudent, Mutnodjmet is her sister’s sole confidant, and only she knows to what lengths Nefertiti will go for a child to replace the son of Amunhotep’s first wife.

As King Amunhotep’s commands become more extravagant, he and Nefertiti ostracize the army, clergy, and Egypt’s most powerful allies. Then, when Mutnodjmet begins a dangerous affair with a general, she sees how tenuous her situation is at her own sister’s court. An epic story that resurrects ancient Egypt in vivid detail, Nefertiti: A Novel.

My Thoughts:

This book has been reviewed almost everywhere in blogland, and for good reason. The story is excellent, the characters are engaging and Mutnodjmet (Mut), the narrator, is phenomenal. Her point of view is perfect for telling the story of one of Egypt's most tumultuous times. Mut loves her sister Nefertiti, family, and country, but she is not willing to jeopardize her own beliefs and opinions. Although Aten is now the new god, she secretly keeps her own faith of the old gods, while doing the bare minimum to survive the royal court and its new faith. Mut also supports her sister even though her faith in Nefertiti has been shaken quite a bit.

Moran's Nefertiti is wonderfully complex. Here is a woman who marries the future Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, later to be known as Akhenaten, at 17, and is expected to reign in his grandiose ideas. But in order to gain his love and trust, Nefertiti must believe as her husband does, and for a while she truly does, that Aten is all supreme. Nefertiti does become full of herself and her power, but how could she not? She has both her husband and Egypt wrapped around her finger. Nefertiti knows how to keep the support of the people, and her husband is not completely foolish. Only through Nefertiti can Akhenaten have the support of the people.

Towards the end of the story, Nefertiti begins to express thoughts and ideas that are not consistent with her husband's. Akhenaten's wild behavior and actions through the years have put Egypt at great peril. Once Nefertiti gains ultimate power, it doesn't take long for her to see where her future lies, with the old gods of Egypt. Although she loves her husband, Nefertiti must do what is necessary to safeguard Egypt, herself, and her family, not only for the present but for the future as well.

History doesn't tell us what happened to Nefertiti for certain, but the ending that Moran has crafted seems very plausible and likely. Nefertiti was a woman to be reckoned with, and I doubt she went away quietly in the night. She made a lot of enemies, so it is no surprise that her name was obliterated throughout Egypt. However, those enemies never counted on the lasting impression she left. Can't remeber who ruled after her, can you?

At the very end, the reader comes to learn how smart and wise Nefertiti really was. For someone to basically juggle two personalities or behavior's for so long is quite difficult. And for all their problems, Mut and Nefertiti loved and counted on each other as only sisters could. Their bond was never brokwn, tested, but not broken.
As a matter of fact, the same could be said for all of the family relationships and bonds. Family was everything back then, and probably the only people one could really trust.

Moran brings ancient Egypt to life with this book. Her descriptions of manner, dress, and the surroundings are wonderful. The woman did her homework! Moran's analysis and interpretation of human behavior goes perfectly with what is already known through artifacts and study.

My Rating: 100/100.
I truly enjoyed this book. It reads quickly, and it was hard for me to put down. Now if I could only get my butt to Egypt myself!

Challenges Met: Library Challenge 2009

Speaking of which, if you ever find yourself in Philadelphia, try to visit the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania of Archaeology and Anthropology. Penn has sponsored excavations in Egypt since 1910. The museum has a permanent Egyptian exhibit which is quite wonderful.

When the Tut exhibit was in town, they unveiled a new section called Amarna: Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun I believe this may be permanent also, either way, the artifacts are just amazing. Dr. Zahi Hawass earned his PhD at Penn so the Museum definitely has some clout.

The whole museum is very interesting and can be considered a hidden gem.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

DNF Review: Legacy by Cayla Kluver

Author: Cayla Kluver
Publisher: AmazonEncoreGenre: YA fantasy fiction
Trade Paperback, 464 pages
Book Source: Marketing Firm Waggener Edstrom Worldwide

In an award-winning YA fantasy debut, novelist Cayla Kluver brings a magical touch to an unrelentingly suspenseful coming-of-age tale. Duty-bound to wed her father’s choice in successor to the throne, Princess Alera of Hytanica believes that she is being forced into the worst of all possible fates—a marriage to the arrogant and hot-tempered suitor, Steldor. When a mysterious boy from enemy Cokyri appears bearing secrets and an entirely different view of what's appropriate behavior for a young lady, Alera learns that her private desires threaten to destroy the kingdom.

When Narian’s shocking past comes to light, Alera finds herself in a shadowy world of palace intrigue and ancient blood feuds, facing an uncertain future with dwindling options—and must learn to decide between right and wrong all alone. Marked by witty, rapid-fire dialogue and dramatic complexity that belie the writer’s age, Legacy brings a fresh, new sensibility to age-old questions of duty and inheritance and to a young heroine’s quest to find her true voice.

My Thoughts:

I got to page 275 and just stalled. I waited a week, and tried again to no avail. The story started out well enough, but I soon got bogged down with the lenghty descriptions and Hytanica's treatment of women. Alera is a young princess, almost of age, being forced to marry her father's choice of husband, who happens to be a pompous jerk.

Unfortunately, Kluver takes too long to move the story along. She is extremely descriptive about manners of dress and scenery. Even while a character is running to a room, a detailed description of the route is given. Theses descriptions continue throughout the story.

Another aspect which I couldn't get past was the constant reminder of how the females place in Hytanica society. Women basically have no rights or free will. They are precious property which must be safeguarded at all times. A husband may treat his wife in any way he chooses, including giving her a good slap if need be.

I could understand laying the basis for the story and the world in which it is contained, but I felt as though I was constantly reminded that women had no rights. Princess Alrea's behavior probably didn't help the situation either. Alera quite often had nothing to say and would stand there dumbstruck. She did not act like a 17 year old Princess, and yes I am judging her character by the standards of the book. Teenagers are usually teenagers no matter what land or time period.

You know, I am not the target audience for this book, and that could be the problem. And that's cool. Not every YA book should be read by an adult. I get that, and just wanted to explain why I didn't finish it. I do think Kluver is pretty talented considering she wrote this when she was 16. Set up the different lands and characters, had a game plan for her story. Something I certainly can not do. It's just not for me.

Therefore, as a contrast to my opinion, here are some other reviews of Legacy I found around blogland:
Krista from Life or Something Like It
Liz from Booklover
Chick Lit Teens
Curled up with a good kids book
Brimful Curiosities

Thank you to Natalie fromWaggener Edstrom Worldwide for my review copy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Teaser Tuesday (Sept 22)

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by MizB from Should Be Reading.
The rules are as follows:

*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

"Watching as Ider helped Gwenhwyfar mount, Arthur noticed how the lad's eyes never left her face, held a look of saturated adoration. The Pendragon shrugged, dismissed the uneasy feeling of jealousy which seemed to bother him so often of late. Most of the men adored Gwenhwyfar-who could blame them!"pg. 281, Pendragon's Banner by Helen Hollick

What's your teaser today? Here are some more.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A cookbook? WHAT?

I was contacted a while back to read and review a cookbook. Well, it's not a strict cookbook per se, it's more of a story between two friends who correspond sharing their lives and some recipes along the way.

Now, I am not a cook. There are some I make very well, but there are other items that are well....not so good. So I decided why not? I have been researching taking a very basic cooking class anyway, which I can't find by the way, so in the meantime I thought, "Let me try this book." I am anxiously awaiting for this to arrive, since the weather turned cooler. Cool weather makes me cook and I'm itching to get started.

In the meantime, here is an article from the authors of the book with recipes titled, The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship.

You are What You Say . . . When You Talk About What You Eat
By Andrea Israel and Nancy Garfinkel,
Authors of The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship

Everyone knows the old saying, "You are what you eat."

But there's an even greater truth: you are what you say about eating.

That gleam in your eye, when you reminisce about eating pasta in Rome, is probably less about the fettuccine than it is about Federico, the handsome guy at the next table.

The ache in your heart, when you tell the story of spoon-feeding soup to your beloved, ailing grandma, is undoubtedly more about loving and missing her than it is about the lousy soup.

How do we know this? Well, through a surprising and wonderful turn of events, we have come to recognize the inextricable connections that exist between the foods we eat, the ways in which we talk about that food, and our deepest -- sometimes hidden -- emotions.

And we've been given this glimmer of wisdom by our recently published novel-cookbook, The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship. The story charts the ups and downs of a lifelong friendship between characters who stay connected, despite a bumpy relationship, by forming their own two-person Recipe Club.

When readers of advance copies began asking us to help launch their own food-themed friendship-and-storytelling circles, we knew we were on to something wonderful and important.

So from coast to coast, we are running Recipe Clubs, intimate gatherings in which members share real-life stories associated with personal recipes. Yes, Recipe Clubs are about food and cooking . . . but they're about creating community. Each member, at every meeting, has a chance to speak out with honesty and be heard without judgment. Honoring the age-old, oral-history tradition, we're helping to create a tradition: building new friendships and deepening existing friendships through the prism of food, friendship, and storytelling.

We've been privileged to hear stories from Recipe Club members in small towns and big cities alike, from stay-at-home moms to corporate executives, from those who love to cook to those who just love to eat. And with each tale, we've come to realize that talking about food -- at least in the safe, intimate environment of a Recipe Club -- is a powerful lens through which to understand your life, your family, your friendships, and your attitudes. Food in its entirety -- as an ingredient, as a cooked dish, as something eaten, something fed, something given, something cherished -- is intrinsically loaded with emotional content. It crosses barriers of race, age, gender, nationality, and culture because it ultimately relates to the most universal aspects of the human condition!

Take the story of Carolyn. In college, she had a mad crush on a boy. Since she was an excellent cook, her roommate persuaded her to throw a lavish dinner party, citing the old adage, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Working day and night, Carolyn created a perfect meal. Her pièce de résistance: a Baked Alaska. Heart beating and dessert about to be flamed (a stand-in for her burning passion, no doubt), Carolyn poked her head out the closed kitchen door to present her masterpiece -- only to find her roommate and the boy she adored locked in a mad embrace!

Carolyn's response: a slammed kitchen door and a sledge-hammer fist-punch to the Baked Alaska. And the satisfaction of feeling emboldened by a powerful rage -- rather than being beaten down by the pain of betrayal, disappointment, and humiliation of the moment.

Or hear the tale of Debbie, who grew up in a food-friendly family of five. Decades after leaving home, Debbie still cooked pasta for five. The problem was, she lived alone. The bigger problem: she ate for five, too. Her Recipe Club tale chronicled her slow journey of learning to accept and embrace the fact of living alone, and of learning to nurture herself with the foods she still loved -- but adding in healthy servings of self-respect.

These real, touching revelations (and many others, about subjects as wide-ranging as sharing with sisters, fighting with parents, finding self-confidence, coming out to a family, struggling with self-esteem, and the joy of not cooking when there's someone else to do it) are all honestly expressed and respectfully received at the Recipe Clubs we run. While each story evokes its own response -- laughter, tears, resonant recognition, surprise -- all the Recipe Club stories we hear share some basic ingredients: food, feelings, family, friendship.

When we wrote the final sentence of our novel, The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship, we thought we had completed the book. But now we understand that the story is ever-unfolding . . . and our journey has just begun!

©2009 Andrea Israel and Nancy Garfinkel, authors of The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship

Author Bios for The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship

Andrea Israel is a producer/writer for ABC's Focus Earth. She was a producer/writer on Anderson Cooper 360, Dateline, and Good Morning America (which garnered her an Emmy Award). Her story In Donald's Eyes was recently optioned for a film. Ms. Israel is the author of Taking Tea. Her writing has appeared in many publications.

Nancy Garfinkel is co-author of The Wine Lover's Guide to the Wine Country: The Best of Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino (Chronicle Books, 2005). A creative strategist, design consultant, writer, and editor for magazine, corporate, and non-profit clients, she has won a host of graphic arts and editorial merit awards. She has written extensively about food and graphic arts.

For more information please visit

Friday, September 18, 2009

BBAW Wrap-Up

Ah well, sad to say it, but the end of BBAW has come. I had really intended to post much more than I did this week, but events beyond my control intervened. Therefore, I was forced to snatch moments of reading new blogs here and there. I have discovered many new blogs and people out there which is very cool. The land of blogs never ceases to amaze me.

Super big kudos and props to Amy and her gang for putting together a wonderfully fantastic week of events. Massive congratulations to all of the winners and nominees too!

I have also had some time to reflect on my reading habits and goals. There are so many books out there I would like to read, not just because I have always wanted to, but because of some of the challenges I joined. Oh yes those reading challenges! I have become completely side tracked of late, and it is completely my fault. I should know better, but it's those pretty little badges that people come up with that sucks me in. Oh so pretty (eyes widening and glazing over)!

So what did all these reflecting do for me? Well, I will prioratize my reading for the rest of the year, and be more selective in choosing my ARCs. I overextended myself this year, and I should know better. I am like a hungry puppy when it comes to books. And you know what happens when puppies eat too much food.

Anyway, in the midst of this, I also came up with a great reading challenge for 2010 I KNOW! Did I not just bitch and complain about my reading challenges? But this one will be different! It will help me accomplish some of my reading goals, and keep me on track. It's my challenge so I have to set a good example, right?

So what is this challenge, you may be asking yourself? Well, since I'm setting the start date to coincide with the new year, I am going to hold off on the official unveiling until December. Then I'll have an offical page with sign up. I think I will have some prizes too. Sure, personal achievment and satisfaction should be the greatest prize you receive, but really, it's all about the free stuff!
I know what's up! And yes, it will be international. I have several friends across the pond, and I would not want to leave them out.
I even created a cute picture to go with it, so here's a sneak peak:

I hope you have all had loads of fun this week. I certainly did when I could. So here's to next year, and fingers crossed, maybe some book reviews next week :)
Enjoy your weekend everybody!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BBAW Interview Swap with Sarah from A Devoted Reader

I signed up to interview a fellow book blogger as part of the BBAW festivities this year. I am paired up with Sarah from A Devoted Reader
And surprise, surprise, she is from Australia! Really no surprise to me, because for whatever reason, I am drawn to Australians. Some of my most chatty blogger friends are from down under.

So with out further ado, I introduce you to Sarah.

1.) Besides, discussing books, were there any other reasons for starting your blog?

The only reason I started my blog is so I can bang on about books to my heart's content, and without boring all my friends and family. Blogging is an enjoyable way to participate in a conversation about what I and others are reading. That said, procrastination and sheer laziness mean I don't blog as often as I'd like.

2.) It looks like you enjoy reading the classics, old books, and some from the current year. Besides the classics, because I could certainly sense the attraction of those, what leads you to choose the books you do? Subject matter, stumble upon, etc.

I choose books based on previous experiences of an author's work, blog and print reviews and serendipitous book shop browsing. I love crime fiction, 19th century novels and short stories, and am ever ready to add to my collection of these as my TBR pile demonstrates.

3.) Who are some of your favorite classic authors? How about your favorite current authors?

A hard one! Today my favourite classic authors are Jane Austen, the Brontes, Anthony Trollope and Thomas Hardy. There are so many things I've yet to read though- if "favourite" can be for one book, I'd add Gustave Flaubert (Madame Bovary), William Thackery (Vanity Fair), Leo Tolstoy (Anna Karenina) ,Albert Camus (The Plague) and Joseph Heller (Catch 22) for starters. More contemporary favourites are Alice Munro, Jeanette Winterson, David Malouf, Shirley Hazzard, Ian Rankin and Peter Temple.

4.) Dog ear or book mark?

Bookmark. Always.

5.) Do you keep all the books you read or sell them to used bookstores or trade online?

I keep anything I've read and enjoyed so I can re-read and recommend/lend it to others. The odd book I don't keep goes to bookmooch or an op shop.

6.) Are you a friend of the library?

As a kid, I haunted my school and local libraries. Now that I have disposable income which I spend a la Erasmus, I have more books than I know what to do with and don't visit the library. If I did, I might end up being buried by books.

7.) Do have any other hobbies which distract you from your reading?

Reading is my favourite use of free time, so few things distract me from it. Like everyone else, I can waste an amazing amount of time on the Internet. I'm a big fan of cricket, so when watching that books are neglected. If it's a beautiful Summer's day in Sydney, I can't resist going for a swim. And when my eight-year-old brother James is over, we play many, MANY games on the Wii.

8.) What would be your ideal setting for reading your book for a couple of hours? Like a comfy chair or in the park or something?

I confess I love reading in the bath with a glass of wine. This combination has resulted in the odd disaster e.g. completely immersing Persuasion. I had to painstakingly dry each page with a hairdryer in order to read Captain Wentworth's letter. Of course, it was worth it.

9.) Coffee or tea?

Tea, although I enjoy a flat white from time to time.

10.) Is there anything you would like to learn, accomplish, or do better with respect to your blog?

First and foremost, I'd like to blog more regularly. As I write more, I hope to improve in style and clarity. Updike's rules for reviewers are something I aspire to follow. (Here is an alternate link to an article about Updike's rules for reviewers. I couldn't link to the original Sarah sent me)

Please check out Sarah's blog. She may not post regularly, but if you look at her list of books read in both 2008 and 2009 you will see why. Her list has definitely inspired me to branch out more into older literature, albeit at a slower pace.

I also plan to read up on both Updike and his rules. (No...I haven't read any Updike. And, yes, I know it is an injustice. It's one of my 2010 reading resolutions. Oh and I think I just came up with a possible challenge!)

Sarah, thanks again for corresponding with me and I look forward to chatting with you again in the future.

For more interview swaps, stop by the BBAW website for some links.

(Vintage photo found online at Chick57's photostream from Flickr)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Winner of the Water Witch Giveaway!

Sorry for the delay, the winner is:

Jennifer from Rundpinne

Come on down girl! You have won a copy of Water Witch by Deborah LeBlanc. I will be in touch for your contact information.

Thank you everyone for entering the giveaway. It has been fun checking out people's blogs and things.

Also, a big thank you to Anna from FSB Associates for providing me with both my copy and the giveaway copy.

I also wanted to mention that LeBlanc also has a Literacy Challenge aimed at getting people under 25 into reading again. Here is the website of the challenge. This is an interview I found explaining the challenge. You do have to register, but there are some cash prizes available, so check it out. It encourages literacy, so how bad can it be right?

Thanks again everyone :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Movie Review: Pride and Prejudice 1995 BBC Version

I chose this movie as one of my items for the Everything Austen Challenge over at Stephanie's Written Word.

I have seen this movie several times and it never fails to disappoint. My latest viewing occurred over two days way back in July as I was recovering from surgery. Nothing could distract me better than watching Colin Firth and the cast of characters in this movie. My Mom joined me for both nights, and my Dad partially watched the first. He was sitting there reading a book, but glanced up now and then commenting, "Doesn't that guy ever smile? Who would ever want to be married to him? He's so miserable."
Dad never read or saw P&P so I explained Mr. Darcy's situation. "Ah get over it!" was Dad's response.

Anyway, every time I watch this movie it never ceases to amaze me how well written, directed, and casted this version is. Caroline Bingley, what a wench.

(Read this with a British accent) Well hello Mr. Collins, you are quite a worm, regardless of what Lady Catherine de Bourgh thinks.

And the Bennet clan is just perfect.

Mrs. Bennet does work the nerves from time to time, which means Alison Steadman did her job perfectly. I was getting embarrassed for the Bennet girls and I wasn't even related. Oh yes, and it's a work of fiction Jenny Girl! As a side bit, Steadman had a recurring role as Gavin's mom in Gavin and Stacey on BBC America. She was delightful and funny. Gavin and Stacey was a great show that I highly recommend. The characters are a trip and the writing is funny and priceless. You should watch it if you ever get the chance.

Back to P&P, the words are the same as the book, making the delivery of them a little tough at times. The actors do a splendid job with the delivery, the body language, and facial expressions, thus making for an incredible viewing experience. My only jab at this version is the portrayal of the Bennet's financial situation. Due to the clothes, and selection of Longbourne, I think this movie makes it seem they are in a much better position than the book implies. Whereas the 2005 version with Keira Knightley portrays the Bennets as being on the poor side, to the extent that Lizzy fed the chickens. That is how I have always pictured them, but no matter. The BBC version is just fine thank you.

Now I could on and on about Colin Firth and such, but that has been done to death. And really all you need to do is see this picture and that's that.

Here's a link to the P&P website from the BBC.

Challenges Met: Everything Austen

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Review: The Triumph of Deborah

Author: Eva Etzioni-Halevy
Publisher: Plume a division of Penguin Group (USA)
Genre: Historical fiction, women of the Bible
Trade paperback 355 pages
Book source: the author


In ancient Israel, war is looming. Deborah, a highly respected leader, has coerced the warrior Barak into launching a strike against the neighboring Canaanites. Against all odds he succeeds, returning triumphantly with Asherah and Nogah, daughters of the Canaanite King, as his prisoners. But military victory is only the beginning of the turmoil, as a complex love triangle develops between Barak and the two princesses.

Deborah, recently cast off by her husband, develops a surprising affinity for Barak. Yet she struggles to rebuild her existence on her own terms, while also groping her way toward the greatest triumph of her life.

My Thoughts:

The main plot of this book is the story between two sisters, Asherah and Nogah, from a Canaanite city, and their love triangle with the victorious Israelite army commander, Barak. Asherah is the legitimate daughter of the defeated Canaanite king, and Nogah is the King's illegitimate daughter by a Hebrew slave.

Both women have different views on the outcome of the war. Asherah is obviously devastated, whereas Nogah is filled with both joy and sadness. The fate of each sister after the war is quite different, and probably not what you are expecting. The story also relates how these sisters deal with their new lives and feelings after the war. They come to see each other's differences, and Nogah is a little more understanding than Asherah. She is a die-hard Canaanite, which is understandable. Nogah although she mourns her father, embraces her new found family and way of life. Don't forget that these sisters are also involved in a love triangle with Barak, which only further widens the gulf between them.

So, where is Deborah you may be asking yourself? You may recall from my previous post , that Deborah was a well respected prophetess and judge. Deborah was the one who called upon Barak to assist her in recruiting members from all of the Hebrew tribes to form the Israelite army. Although, well respected, Deborah could only do so much. It was also Deborah that was instrumental in bringing about a peace treaty between Canaan and Israel. The peace lasted 40 years. Real leaders do what needs to be done regardless of the personal consequences, and this applies to Deborah as well.

Deborah also experiences discord in her own life after the war. She handles it as well as any woman could. Things do work out for her in the end. Come to think of it, all of the women in this story eventually get a life that works for them. They are very strong women who endure many trials and tribulations with grace and dignity.

Also contained in the story are some Hebrew traditions and ways of life, and rather seamlessly too. They are a part of the story just like the wonderful descriptions of the palaces, events, and clothing. The relationships between the characters are all very interesting and different in their own respects, and by the end of the tale everyone matures, or comes into their own. Most of these characters start out with very raw, visceral emotions, but they grow up and learn how to control their emotions. They learn about life.

My Rating: 85/100

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teaser Tuesday (Sept 1)

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B from Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers

"Say nothing," he instructed. He held out the scroll my father had given him; I could see Vizier Ay's seal in the torchlight, as dark as dried blood with the sphinx and Eye of Horus pressed into it. The guard looked at us, nodding his assent for the gates to be opened. And suddenly, we were free.
pg. 293, Nefertiti by Michelle Moran

I am loving this book! Now if I could stay home and read all day....

What is your teaser for today?

LOST Challenge Home Page

I had not realized until today that I never had a home page for my LOST Challenge Book selection. Part of the Lost Challenge is to read books that have been seen or mentioned on the show. Here is my original list of five that I will read before Lost is completed in 2010:

A Wrinkle in Time
Valhalla Rising
The Pearl
The Mysterious Island
Laughter in the Dark
Alice in Wonderland - review and analysis

This may change at any time, such as adding Alice in Wonderland. I like my challenges to be fluid.
I look forward to reading the other challenger's posts at the Lost Book Challenge Blog :)