
Monday, June 22, 2009

Musing Mondays (June 22)

Musing Mondays is hosted by Rebecca from Just One More Page.
Today's musing is the following:

Do you restrict yourself on how many books you take out from the library at a time? Do you borrow books if you already have some out? Do you always reborrow books you don’t get to?

Ha-ha-ha. This depends on the visit. I try to make one visit to the library and only borrow four books or so, depending on their size. I have recently started borrowing books while I have some out. This usually happens because my lunch time partners can't go to lunch and I have nothing else to do. So I walk to the library and get a book or two out.

I do try to go in with a plan, such as these are the books I'm looking for and that's it. But then I see a pretty cover or two and it's all over. I come home with books I never heard of. I don't always re-borrow books. It depends on the book and if I really want to read at that time. If it's something I just picked up out of the blue, I'm more likely to return it. I can renew books online from my library, so that helps a lot.
Gosh I love the library :)
So how about you? What are your borrowing habits?


  1. Hi:) When I vacation to Florida, I take out as many books as I want- but here in Canada, I'm very limited unfortunately.

  2. My library stacks are always out of control. It is lucky that I work for the library on an occasional basis, so I don't pay fines :)

  3. Because I'm usually pressed for time, I always have a plan when going to the library. I very seldom get the opportunity to browse. I'm going to change that this summer now that I'm not working anymore. I usually don't check out more than 4 books at a time although they allow up to 15!

  4. When I go to the library I always leave with a book or five! I love the library too.

  5. You were right..this question is totally about us!! Love that I can renew online too!!! I tend to go in with an action plan but leave with way more than what was on my list!! I'm a sucker for a pretty cover!!

  6. I'm assuming your library is just walking distance from where you work? lucky you. I'm close too but it's more of a driving distance. I'd be there all the time though if that were to happen :)

    Lately I've been good with the overdues. Nothing far. *knocks wood*

  7. I used to use the library all the time, but rarely do these days.

  8. I like it when people come together and share many thoughts. Great website, continue the Excellent work!


Thank you very much for leaving me a comment. I know you may be pressed for time, and I appreciate you taking a few minutes to leave your thoughts.
I enjoy reading all of them. Thanks again and have a great day :)