
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Handmaid's Tale Readalong, Final Thoughts and Wrap-up

Below are the final Q&As for the Handmaid's Tale Readalong on the Classics Reads Book Club

There was a previous post of questions, but I missed it, and lets face it, September has flown right on by. So let's get down to the final round of Q&A:

The Commander says, “Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse, for some.” Do you think this society is better for anyone?

The society in the book is better for those in charge, because they have all the power. They can say and do what they please, enforce rules when they like, it's a totalitarian society.

I'm sure there are some people who like the new rules, like the religious persons who helped to build the new society. They probably believe they were doing the right thing for society, saving souls and people, etc. They have their reasons, whether I think they are right or wrong. Different strokes for different folks.

What do you think Offred means when she says, “We were both feeling miserable. How were we to know we were happy, even then.”

Things can always be worse. You may be feeling crappy now, but you could always feel more crappy. Life can change on a whim and you need to be prepared.

What do you think Offred’s motivation was to record all of this?

I think Offred had several reasons for recording her story. Firstly, it was a type of therapy, to get it all out there, to speak about what happened to her. Not only because she wasn't allowed to speak when it was occurring, but because she finally had a voice and hopefully someone would find these tapes and help fix the situation.

Offred was reclaiming her own voice.

Jeanne suggested this great question: What is your first reaction to hearing Prof Pieixoto say “we must be cautious about passing moral judgment upon the Gildeadeans” and what is your more considered reaction?
Is objectivity really necessary when studying the Gileadeans?

I would like to answer these two questions together, because I instantly think of the anthropological theory of cultural relativity.  When one studies a culture, you do not judge that culture based on your own reasons or societal standards.  Actually you don't judge the culture at all.  One studies it, reports on it, and tries to learn from it, from it's own point of view.

The Handmaid's Tale took place over 150 years ago.  We didn't live then, we don't know what it was really like, so how can we say what they did was right or wrong for the situation at that that time. Hearing this story years later, well yes, I have a different opinion, but there are two sides to every story.  If the environment and situation really were that bad, then maybe someone or group had to take the situation in hand.  If the people of the time were not savvy enough to realize what was going on, well then there is nothing one can do now.  Almost like a perfect storm of events.

For example, Hitler coming into power, the Holocaust, WWII, there were lots of little warning signs and things that happened to cause the situation.  It wasn't one thing that happened. It started at the end of WW I with the reparations Germany had to pay.  Their economy couldn't handle it, people became desperate, and it took very little for a crazy person to take control and gain all the power.  The situation snowballed, and the rest is history.  Yes, hindsight is 20/20, I realize that, but history does repeat itself.  We must learn from past mistakes.
What did you think of The Handmaid’s Tale as a whole? Did it make you look at anything different? Did it scare you in any way?

I enjoyed the Handmaid's Tale immensely, and am so sorry I didn't read it until now.  This book makes me think about the world we live in now, and how it wouldn't take much to turn our world and life upside down.  Let me tell you though, if I wake up one day, and the government is wiped out in a single terrorist attack, you best believe my ass in a car on my way up north to Canada.  I am not sitting in my house waiting to hear what I should do next.   I am an optimist, but I am no fool.  I will take my chances on trying to get out of the country, one way or the other, and if I die trying, so be it.

Yes, I may sound like a conspiracy theorist or crack pot, but I think it's about being aware of your surroundings and what your government is doing.  I don't trust everything I see or read.  I gather the information and try to make an informed opinion.  We do have a lot of freedoms in America, I know that.  But we also have a responsibility to uphold that freedom, and hold our government responsible for answering to we the people.  I don't think the average American does a very good job of this.  Sorry, but I don't, not when I see that most people are more interested in the Kardashians or what is more fashionable right now, skinny jeans or tights.  How about going out to vote or understanding what is going in Congress right now?  Just saying, look around at people...what do think would happen if Offred's world came to life right now?  
And one more morsel for thought: The American Revolution was started by a small group of gentlemen, mostly landowners and merchants becuase they felt the English taxes the most.  The majority of the colonists were not interested, or not fully aware of what was going on.  However, if Redcoats start shooting at you, you are going to shoot back.  Basically, it wouldn't take much to start a revolution or uprising.  Be prepared my friends!

So what do you think?  Have you read this book or gleaned enough information from this Q&A to have an opinion?  I'm thinking I should read 1984 soon, or will that just put me back on my soap box?
As always, I love to hear your thoughts :)


 I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Intense Debate Trial Run

Beeker was always one of my favs.  He was always getting hurt and the Professor never listened to him.

Anyway, please leave a comment because I am experimenting with Intense Debate and would like to see how it goes.  According to the website, I will not lose old comments. 
And here is another one of my favs, The Princess Bride:

Thank you dear Readers :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (Sept. 26)


 What's up my Buttercups?  Hope this Sunday finds all of you well and happily reading away.  BBAW was two weeks ago, and although I had very good intentions, I was unable to participate as much as I wanted to.  So I just cruised around to other blogs to see what they had to say.  That was quite interesting and I actually discovered a few new blogs to follow.  As if I needed more :)  Whatevs.

As for my reading, I am currently reading four books, yes four books.  It is possible my friends.  I am thisclose to finishing the Handmaid's Tale.  Totally enjoying it, and will definitely look at Atwood's other titles.  Next up is By Fire By Water , by Mitchell James Kaplan for a Columbus Day review.  I am enjoying this book more than I thought I would, considering the main theme is the Inquisition.   There are many points of view in the story and the crisis of faith and life is riveting.

The third book is Very Valentine , by Adriana Trigiani.  This is a fun read and one that can easily be picked up and read at any time.  It's about an Italian family of shoemakers in New York, and a granddaughter in her thirties, who would like to find love, someday. 

The fourth book is Dark Moon of Avalon by Anna Elliott.  It is the second in the trilogy, and unfortunately I am having a tough time with it.  I loved the first book and will definitely read the third, but this one is tough going.  Maybe it's my mood or something.

After that, I have some of my last books to read for review commitments.  I have been cutting back on accepting review copies, because I'll never get to the books I own or the library if I keep receiving review copies.  Plus I am starting to dislike this whole schedule thing.  Once in a while is fine, but all the time is starting to take the joy out of reading.  I can't have that.

As for blogging, I have been writing some reviews that are due soon, but that's about it.  I have also been toying with the idea of using Intense Debate for my commenting system.  My Friend Amy utilizes it, and I believe Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader says it's easier for non-blogger commenters to comment.  So I may give it a try.  What do you think?  Have you tried Intense Debate yourself?  If so, was it easy to use, etc?  I appreciate any feedback you could provide.

And lastly, I finally picked the winners for my 151 Followers giveaway.  Everyone has been contacted, but just so you know, here are the winners:

#1 Staci from Life in the Thumb, chose A Cottage by the Sea
#2 Teddyree from The Eclectic Reader, chose The Language of Trees
#3 Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! chose Shattered Mirror

Thanks to everyone who entered, and for continuing to follow and support my blog.  i appreciate it greatly. 

So that's it for now.  It's time for me to catch up on this week's Project Runway.  Have a great week and happy reading :)

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Review: Anne Elliot, A New Beginning by Mary Lydon Simonsen

Anne, Elliot, A New Beginning by Mary Lydon Simonsen
Publisher: Quail Creek Publishing, LLC
Genre: Fiction
Trade Paperback, 228 pages
Book Source: from the author
My Rating: 93/100

From Goodreads:

A Persuasion Re-imagining.

On Anne Elliot's 25th birthday, her family declared her to be a spinster, but instead of being downcast by this change in status, she finds it to be quite liberating. As a result of her new-found freedom, Anne becomes a long-distance runner, and this activity greatly increases her confidence. It is this new Anne who Captain Frederick Wentworth meets when he sees the love of his life after eight years of separation. The Captain admires the changes in Anne, and he finds that he is falling in love with her all over again. However, there is a complication. The heir to Kellynch, the Elliot estate, William Elliot, has also come back into the picture after an estrangement with Anne's father, Sir Walter Elliot, and he has set his sights on Anne. Now living in Bath, Anne senses that something is not right, and with the help of a street urchin named Swoosh, she sets out to discover what William Elliot is really like.
My Thoughts:
"People may have their expectations, but I shall do what I think is best for me.  I only have this one life, and as limited as it is by society and my own family, it is mine to live as I see fit."  --Anne Elliot
pg. 51

This is not your momma's beloved Austen story.  Instead it is a fresh, somewhat modernized version of Persuasion.  Modernized in the sense of the quote above.  Anne will do what she wants and live her life as she sees fit.  A Regency woman may dream about this but never actually do it like this Anne did.  And I enjoyed Simonsen's retelling because of this aspect.

At 25 Anne Elliott is declared a spinster by her family and written off as unmarriageable.  Instead of viewing her change in status as a death sentence, Anne sees it as a rebirth.  A chance to do and be what she wants, instead of what society dictates.  Why dwell on the negative?  Anne is now free to pursue her life to the fullest; or at least as full as it can be without her one true love, Captain Wentworth.

The first thing Anne does is begin running along the country lanes, something that transforms her both physically and mentally.  It clears her mind and strengthens her both body and soul.  The freedom she experiences when running is so uplifting and positive, that she begins to impart her wisdom or good thoughts to others.  Anne encourages those around her to better themselves, and in the process create some of the funny bits in the story.  For example, Anne's sister and father very knowledgeable about skin care products, begin selling to friends and family the same products that keep them looking so young and healthy.  The business they begin is Avon River Products.  Another character who learns about running from Anne decides he would like white stars on the sides of his black boots, thinking they would be sharp looking.  Converse sneakers anyone?

This story follows the same premise of Persuasion, but with some additional characters and events, which make for a fun read.  Captain Wentworth becomes reacquainted with Anne after time has passed and realizes she is still the one and only gal for him.  Anne and Wentworth have more frank conversations about each other and their relationship in this version, and it was quite refreshing to read it this way.  And don't worry, Simonsen is true to the original source work in that Anne and Wentworth marry, but not without some hiccoughs along the way.

All in all this was a fun relaxing read.  I enjoyed this retelling because although people, items and events are inserted into the story, it went with the general modern feel of this retelling.  Come on, what Regency woman in her right mind would take up running and find it enjoyable?  This retelling was fun and fresh without having to resort to vampires, werewolves, or hot sex scenes, and I appreciated that.
Maybe a little trite in some places, but overall an enjoyable read.

For more information about Mary Lydon Simonsen, please visit her website.

Thanks to Mary for sending me a copy of her book for review. 

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Historical Fiction, Reading Romance


 I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, September 13, 2010

BBAW Week Post 1

This week is Book Blogger Appreciation Week (BBAW).  (If you're not familiar with BBAW, please visit the website here.)  I wasn't going to participate that much, since I am super behind on things, but I can't help myself.  I just have to join in with the rest of my community, or at least make some sort of effort. 

This year the posts are about the treasures of books and book blogging.  
So here is today's post topic:

Let’s talk about that first treasure today.

For those of you who participated in BBAW last year, what’s a great new book blog you’ve discovered since last year’s BBAW?

For those you new to BBAW, what was the first book blog you discovered?

Tell us all about this blog and why you love it…why do you keep going back for more?

I participated in BBAW last year, so I will name new bloggers I discovered.  The two bloggers that stick out most in my mind, are Trisha from eclectic/eccentric and Ju-Ju from Tales of Whimsy.  Not only are these eye catching blogs, but both provide content I enjoy.  They make me laugh, draw my attention to current events, post pretty pictures, and make my tbr grow.  Ju-Ju lets me know about those fun, totally indulgent YA books, and Trisha makes me want to read more of the classics or what I consider "proper" fiction.  Both are two very cool gals and leave excellent comments too.   

So please stop by and give these bloggers a try.

Also please be sure to stop by this BBAW post for other First Treasure posts today.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Damn you, Sons of Anarchy!!!!

For making me stay up past my bed time to watch the fantastic season 3 opener of the show, and thereby setting the precedent of staying up late every Tuesday night to watch the episode as it airs. I was already peeing my pants in anticipation for the new season, but now I wait hungrily for next week's show and I can see this will happen each week.

Now some of you out there may be saying to yourself, "A show about a bunch of dirty bikers? What the hell is so good about that? And aren't bikers just nothing but trouble anyway, you know with the drugs, hookers, and other assorted illegal stuff? And tattoos...did I mention there are a lot of those too?" Well, yes and no. Looks can be deceiving and the biker image throws a lot of people at first, but when you see past that, and realize this is a show about family, loyalty...taking care of those who mean something to you, and standing up for what you believe in, then you start to discover what Sons of Anarchy are all about.

Yes, the club is an organization which is involved in some illegal activity, however these activities are going to occur whether SAMCRO is involved or not. So they try to make sure it doesn't happen in their part of the world, basically trying to preserve a nice, small town way of life. Unfortunately things don't always turn out that way, but the club makes a good effort.

This show explores many facets of human nature and behavior: family dynamics, and the relationships within that family; the power and strength of women both within this group and as women relate to one another; group dynamics and pecking order; rules in the club, both spoken and unspoken. The writing is powerful and the acting just takes it to another level. Emotions are played out before the viewer with such brutal honesty....the actors bare their souls. Kurt Sutter the creator and writer for this show, also did The Shield, so that should tell you right there, that this show does not hold back.

I hesitate to say this show is like the Sopranos, early Sopranos, but in some ways it is. The big differences being that mobsters dress well, drive Lincolns or Cadillacs, and eat very well. Both are organized crime families, plain and simple. However, mobsters have been glamorized over the years and motorcycle clubs have not. You could argue that one is more ruthless than the other, but I disagree. Both do what needs to be done, and lets face it, these illegal activities are not going away any time soon.

Basically, what I'm saying is that Sons of Anarchy is freaking fantastic show, with brilliant writing and acting, that you probably don't know about. Check it out sometime, because I don't think you will be disappointed. It's better than the Sopranos. There, I said it.


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Saturday, September 4, 2010

DNF Review: Too Rich and Too Thin: Not an Autobiography by Barbara DeShong, Ph.D.

Too Rich and Too Thin: Not an Autbiography by Barbara DeShong, Ph.D.
Publisher: Echelon Press
Genre: Fiction, mystery
Paperback, 374 pages
Book Source: Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists
My Rating: I didn't finish the book, so that should cover it.

From Phenix & Phenix:

Too Rich and Too Thin is a fast-paced, humorous tale that follows Texas psychologist and police profiler Dr. Jessica LeFave as she searches for her husband’s killer while investigating the murder of one of his eccentric patients.

Dr. Jessica LaFave is asked to profile the killer of Bernice Jackson, an author infamous for rewriting historical events into racy novels and movies, who pushed her obsession with seeing herself as young and beautiful too far. But, more importantly, Bernice was a patient of Jessica’s husband David at the time of his death — a death that Jessica is convinced was no accident. Left to her own devices, Jessica thrusts herself into the midst of the Jackson family and its offbeat cast of characters to uncover the truth about her husband’s untimely death.

My Thoughts:

I gave this book a good college try, but unfortunately I just could not finish it.  This book started out well.  Dr. Jessica LaFave is called to a murder scene to help get a sense of what kind of person would commit such a brutal murder.  Almost like a profiler if you will.  The victims themselves may have had it coming too, since one of them, Bernice Jackson, has made a living from desecrating Texas' glorious history.  Apparently, she took the story of the Alamo and turned it into soft porn, thereby making herself a tidy fortune. 

LaFave is also trying to solve the "murder" of her husband and believes this case is connected.  LaFave is the only one who believes her husband was murdered.  No one else does, and she has apparently made a smack of herself trying to prove it a few months ago.

Hank and Ruthie, the son and daughter of  Bernice are also a bit of a trip.  Hank has some issues, like not being the sharpest tool in the box.  Ruthie and her ex-husband also have a myriad of emotional issues, such as inadequacy, weight/eating disorder, etc.  So you would think with this cast of characters, this would be a good read, plus there are these two mysteries going on.  Not so fast my friend.

The writing seems a bit clunky or off.  It is not smooth or flow nicely.  Choppy might be a better way to describe it.  As for LaFave, yes she is snarky and a bit funny, but  that is only going to go so far with me.  As much as I like crazy people, I did not like Jessica.  And I really didn't care that her husband was killed.  I also didn't care for the family of the murder victims either.  I don't mind some of the characters having issues, but I have no sympathy for any of these people, whatsoever. After 12 chapters and 95 pages, I felt I gave this book enough of my time, so I moved on to something else.

For more information about the author Barbara DeShong, please visit her website.

Thanks to Amy from Phenix & Phenix for sending me a review copy.


 I am an Amazon Associate.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Interview with Justin Kramon, author of Finny

Dear Readers, please give a warm welcome to Justin, author of yesterday's book review Finny

1.) Finny is a coming of age story. Why did you decide to go in that direction or write that type of story?

The main reason is that I love reading coming-of-age novels, especially ones that span long periods of time, like A Prayer for Owen Meany or Great Expectations. It’s so much fun to watch a character grow up, and.there are so many opportunities to have familiar faces appear unexpectedly. When a character returns after you haven’t seen her for a long time, you feel like you’re coming home, to a person you know and love. I think there’s a sense of wonder and possibility in coming-of-age novels – the feeling that anything can happen – and that’s a beautiful feeling to have as a writer.

2.) What is it about Finny, the character herself, that you like so much? (Personally I like her outlook on life and her humor.)

I agree with you: her humor is the first thing that grabbed me. I remember writing those early scenes at the dinner table with her quirky family and just laughing at things Finny said. I’ve joked before that writing fiction is a little like being crazy. (How strange is it that I sit in my study and laugh at things that imaginary people say?) But when I get a character as strong as Finny, there really is a feeling that I’m watching someone outside of myself, someone who fascinates me and makes me want to find out what will happen to her. When a writer creates a character, it’s like opening up a whole new window on the world, so I love the fact that Finny has this eccentric perspective, always seeing things from a slant. I think that’s part of what makes the events in the book funny – the fact that Finny can see the humor in them. I love the fact that Finny can look at something that would bother me in my life, but see it as funny. In that way, she’s a better version of myself. I wish I had her generosity and patience and humor.

3.) All of the secondary characters are memorable, funny, and mostly endearing in their own right. Do you have a favorite and if so, which one and why?

That’s a tough one. I’d hate for anyone to feel slighted. I love Mr. Henckel, his self-assured strangeness and also his childlike openness to the world. And Poplan is also a wonderful mother figure for Finny, and genuinely kind during some tough times. I love the fact that Carter can say just about anything – it’s such a wonderful thing for a novelist to have a character like that. But I have affection even for the characters who do some questionable things in the book, like Judith, since I can see where some of Judith’s insecurities come from, even though on the surface she seems so beautiful and smart and put-together.

I think George Eliot said that a novelist’s role in the world is to expand sympathy. I hope to sympathize with as many of my characters as possible, or at least see the humanity in their faults. But that doesn’t always happen. There are characters in Finny whom I’m not particularly fond of. (I’ll let you guess who they are.)

4.) What made you want to become a writer? Is there a little bit of you in Earl, or is it just coincidence that he is also a writer?

There are some things that Earl says about writing that I also feel. Sometimes, when you’re writing a novel, you get these little chances to sneak yourself or your ideas about the world into a book. But Earl’s personality and life experiences are really different than mine. I think the real reason I became a writer was that there were things I felt that I had no way of getting into the world. I played music for a while – piano, actually, so you can see where Mr. Henckel’s interest came from – but I knew I wouldn’t be good enough to be a professional. Writing became a vehicle for me to be able to express these subtle things I felt that I never could find a way to express in my everyday life. So, for example, Finny deals with the feeling of being in a romantic relationship over a long period of time – both the joy and sadness of that, the excitement and disappointments – and I don’t know how I would express all of that outside of a book.

5.) Feathers seem to be a theme. There is one on the cover of Finny, in the story itself, and on your website. What’s up with the feathers? :)

Ha, that’s a good question. The feather in the book (which is actually blue and silver) captured some of the whimsy in the story for me. The feather is a real object, but it has this almost unnaturally bright color – and that’s the feeling I wanted the book to have: realistic, but with a sense of whimsy, characters who were slightly larger-than-life, a world that was a little more colorful. This writing style allowed me to slightly accentuate certain things in the real world, to help me to bring more attention to them. The cover designer and web designer picked up on the feather as a central image, so they used it to create the designs for the book and website.

6.) Now for some fun facts about you, do you have hobbies or interests that can distract from writing?

I don’t have too much to distract me from writing. I think that’s a big reason for becoming a writer – the fact that you don’t have a lot else going on. In a lot of ways, I’m really like a 75-year old man. I enjoy pretty low-key things: reading, going on walks with my fiancee, dinner with friends. I do enjoy playing jazz piano, but unfortunately we don’t have a piano in our apartment right now, so I don’t get to play very much. I also like to cook. Did I mention I was 75 years old?

7.) Who are some of your favorite authors and what books have you read recently?

I love Alice Munro, Haruki Murakami, John Irving, Alice Adams, Naguib Mahfouz (especially the Cairo Trilogy), and a bunch of others that it would take too long to name. Recently I’ve been reading Meg Wolitzer, who is amazing. I really loved The Wife and The Position. Very funny and insightful books, in my opinion.

8.) What would be your ideal way in which to spend a lazy day?

Probably a big meal would be involved. But let me back up. I think I’d spend the morning reading or watching a good movie. Then lunch. Then a nice walk outside somewhere – preferably in cool fall weather. And then a really good dinner with my fiancee and some close friends.

Then we bring out the crystal meth. Just kidding – about the fall weather...

9.) What can we expect to see from you in the future?

I’m working on a new novel about a close friendship between two men that’s based on their mutual love of food. Both of them have traumatic experiences early on in life that lead them to a kind of obsession with food and cooking, and the book follows the life decisions they make, and also a mystery surrounding the death of the main character’s parents. And of course there are a lot of colorful characters and a dark humor running through the book.

Thanks so much for chatting with me, Justin.  Colorful characters make life interesting, so I look forward to more stories from you.  Plus I like you're 75 year-old sense of humor :-)

For more information about Justin please visit his website

And here's the book trailer:

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Review: Finny by Justin Kramon

Finny by Justin Kramon
Publisher: Random House Trade Paperback
Genre: Fiction
Trade Paperback 384 pages
Book Source: TLC Book Tours
My Rating: 95/100

From Goodreads:

We meet Finny Short as an observant, defiant fourteen-year-old who can’t make sense of her family’s unusual habits: Her mother offers guidance appropriate for a forty-year-old socialite; her father quotes Nietzsche over pancakes. Finny figures she’s stuck with this lonely lot until she meets Earl Henckel, a boy who comes from an even stranger place than she does. Unhappy with Finny’s budding romance with Earl, her parents ship her off to Thorndon boarding school. But mischief follows Finny as she befriends New York heiress Judith Turngate, a girl whose charm belies a disquieting reckless streak.

Finny’s relationships with Earl and Judith open her up to dizzying possibilities of love and loss and propel her into a remarkable adventure spanning twenty years and two continents. Justin Kramon has given us a wickedly funny odyssey with a moving and original love story at its core. Finny introduces us to an unforgettable heroine, a charmingly intricate world, and an uncommonly entertaining and gifted young novelist.

My Thoughts:

I have been sitting here trying to figure out how to write a review, when it really shouldn't be that difficult.  I adored this book.  It was a delightful story of a young girl who grows up to be a lovely woman.  Finny has a wry sense of humor who never really fits in with her family.  It's like she is the odd man out.  But as she grows up, the people she meets and stays in touch with, become the family she longed for.  They give her a sense of belonging and warmth.  They accept her as she is.

Early on Finny meets the love of her life, Earl.  Earl is a lonely, quiet, and sincere boy.  He also doesn't quite fit in with life, and maybe that's why when he and Finny meet, they click immediately, like two kindred spirits.  They find in each other someone who understands and accepts them.  Finny and Earl are rather sweet together.

Finny experiences many trials and tribulations, as we all do in life, and she manages them quite well.  Even when she experiences heartache and loss, she doesn't let it bring her down.  She remains positive and pushes on through life.  I think that's why I like her and this story so much.  Finny just rolls with the punches.

The secondary characters in the book, Finny's "family", are wonderfully odd, and I loved every one of them.  I especially liked Poplan who becomes a mother to Finny.  As for Finny's best friend Judith, some will probably not like her, but I did.  She is what she is, and I could see where she was coming from. Judith doesn't quite fit in with her life and family either.  Now that I think about it, almost all of these characters don't mesh with their original families and surroundings.  But by coming together and becoming friends they form a sort of misfit family that works.  They all accept one another and at the end of the day, that's all that counts.

I really enjoyed reading this book and it made up for some of the less entertaining stuff I had been reading lately.  It's like every other book was a stinker, and Finny reminded me how many fun books are out there waiting to be read.  I will certainly be on the look out for more books from Kramon.

For more information about Justin Kramon you can visit is website or stop by here tomorrow for an interview.

This post is part of the tour for Finny, so please stop by the tour home page for more reviews and thoughts about this book. 

Thanks to Trish from TLC Book Tours for my review copy.

2010 Challenges Met: 100


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