
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (June 27)

Hello Everyone!  What's up?  Hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I just finished knitting a shawl for my mom and now it's soaking, getting ready to be blocked to beautifulness.  Hubby is putting together a small shopping list, and in a bit we will brave the heat and go to the market.  Exciting stuff, I know, try to control yourself.

With regards to reading, I'm in a bit of a slump.  I have tried to finish The Dark Rose, second book of the Morland Dynasty.  Yeah....not going well and not going to happen.  I will be skimming the last 25% of the book.  I'm bored and have no interest in these characters.  Started reading Shadow of the Swords a novel about the Crusades from the Muslim point of view.  Interesting, but I am already tired of reading about how hateful Richard the Lionheart is, and I'm about half way through.  Love Saladin and his perspective and I knew King Richard was an asshat, but come on.  Enough is enough.  Move the story along.  So I'm putting that down for a while.

Just finished a book titled Shattered Mirror.  I could have finished it in a day, but I stretched it.  Very short and quick but now I need something else.  I'm in a holding pattern because I'm waiting on a book form the library and from TLC Book Tours.  Oh I just got an idea.  I have an ARC for August I could start now.  Georgette Heyer’s Regency World by Jennifer Kloester.  It's non-fiction but it's about the Regency World.  Maybe I'll start that today.

I've also been changing around the blog, as I'm sure you may have noticed.  Not sure I like both sidebars on one side.  It makes me re size all my gadgets to fit.  Don't be surprised if you see something different the next time you're here.  I like to tinker but it's very time consuming. 

Otherwise not much else going on.  Oh wait!  I have winners.  Sorry about the delay. According to the winners are.....

Karen K

Woo-hoo!  Congratulations.  I'll be in touch for your information.  Thank you all for entering.
Better luck next time guys! 

Now that really is about it.  Well thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.  Happy Reading :)

{Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea from Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.  I think she has been a bit busy lately but be sure to stop by her place anyway.}


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Review: A Place for Delta by Melissa Walker

A Place for Delta by Melissa Walker
Publisher: Whale Tale Press
Genre: Children's literature, Middle Grade, ages 9-12
Hardback 270 pages
Book Source: Lisa from OnLine Publicist
My Rating: 90/100

From Goodreads:

Joseph can hardly believe what he has been asked to do. His Aunt Kate, a wildlife biologist, is waiting for him at a research station and needs his help taking care of an orphaned polar bear cub only a few months old. He will leave his friends and family and venture to the farthest northern town in the United States. As the adventure unfolds, Joseph and his newfound Eskimo friend Ada find mysteries wherever they look. The bear cub, Delta, remains in danger. Who would want a polar bear dead?

Joseph will have to look to the North Georgia woods to save Delta. When his parents were kids, they too embarked on an excursion into the unknown. Their encounters with the wilderness beyond their backyard have shaped the future for Joseph and Delta. A Place for Delta is about one family's journey—a passage born in the Appalachian Mountains and leading to the Arctic.

My Thoughts:

This was an adorable little book.  Joseph goes to Alaska to assist his Aunt Kate with caring for a polar bear cub that was found without a mom.  While there he makes friends with an Eskimo girl, Ada, and has fun discovering Barrow, Alaska, and what it's like to live in one of the coldest places in the world.  Joseph learns a little bit about polar bears as well as why all of the Alaskan wild life may be in danger due to global warming.  Joseph and Ada also help in solving the mystery of why this polar bear was alone.  Apparently kids make good spies, so keep this in mind the next time you are planning a heist or something. 

Part of the story also takes place in rural Georgia, where Joseph's family is from and his Aunt Kate grew up.  This is where Kate learned to loved mother nature and animals.  Exploring the woods around her house growing up provided a lot of fun and a healthy respect for the planet we live on. 

A Place for Delta is a fun story of adventure and mystery, that I think would appeal to children.  The story incorporates information about life in Alaska, but not so much that it is burdensome to a child.  The plot is pretty simple, but has enough information to keep it appealing to children.  As an adult reader, I had to adjust my thinking for this story.  For example, I don't know anybody who would let their 10 year old fly off alone, to meet their Aunt in Alaska.  Also, the writing is very simple and the story is easy to figure out.  However, when children are engrossed in a book, they don't care about these things.  The adventure of being by themselves and solving mysteries and acting like their parents makes it exciting to them. 

So if I had children, I would certainly recommend they read this book.  Not only does it provide information about nature and another community, but it may spark an interest in their mind to learn more.  The back of the book contains a glossary of words and their meanings as well as resources, useful websites, films, and green websites for children.  The big message of this book is the environment, and hopefully children will think about what that might mean to Delta the polar bear.  I would also be remiss if I didn't mention the wonderful illustrations in the book.  Simple and quite pretty.

My Rating: 90/100

Thanks to Lisa from Online Publicist for my review copy.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+

I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Review: A Cottage by the Sea by Ciji Ware

Publisher: Sourcebooks, Landmark
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Trade paperback, 544 pages
Book Source: ARC Sourcebooks
My Rating: 95/100

All the romance of the beautiful Cornish coast and a wealth of local color add richness to a story that crosses the centuries…. When a Hollywood scandal leaves her life and her marriage in ruins, Blythe Stowe escapes to the wild coast of Cornwall and a cottage by the sea. There she finds herself both physically drawn to her handsome neighbor, Lucas Teague, and literally drawn into a haunting 200-year old love story as an elaborate family tree on his study wall sends her rushing back into the past. As Blythe struggles to make sense of what is happening and discovers family secrets that have been long concealed, she realizes Lucas holds the key to both her past and her future…

My Thoughts:

Blythe decides to spend her summer, alone in Cornwall, in order to sift through her thoughts and emotions regarding her recent public divorce and humiliation at the hands of her now ex-husband (the cheeky bastard). Blythe picks Cornwall because her Grandmom always said she had roots there. Turns out to be true and apparently things did not go well with Blythe's ancestors either. They also had some trouble in the love department, to put it mildly. Without giving the story away, Blythe realizes you can learn from the past to correct present difficulties. It's all about forgiveness and acceptance.

Blythe embarks on a passionate relationship with Lucas Teague, and although he seems like a rebound guy, he is exactly what she needs and vice versa. Lucas has experienced tragedy in his past and needs to forgive and accept himself and past events. It's not worth it to stay angry at the past. No use crying over spilled milk, right? Lucas is a doll and a hot one to boot, so Blythe has it made. Ah romance!

With respect to the secondary characters they are fun and well placed. Ware's descriptions and dialogue enhanced their roles in the story, and I was able to picture them with ease, the ex-husband, Blythe's sister, and especially the godmother.

The time travel element is executed well in the story. I like the explanation that Ware employs when Blythe tries to seek some answers regarding her "experiences". I thought it was plausible considering the circumstances, and it's quite creative. As to the setting, Ware represents Cornwall in all it's splendor with descriptions of the coast, the surrounding foliage, and village life. Yes, Cornwall is now on my list of places I must visit some day.

This book was a good read, and I think it is unique as opposed to other time travel romances I have read. It's different. For those of you, who have read Island of the Swans, at the end of the story you will recognize some of the names and places that are mentioned. I thought that was a great touch, and pretty creative. Don't worry if you haven't read Swans, you'll still know what's going on. Ware just gave a nod to her other book, which I would highly recommend.
(Link to my review of Swans)

To read more about this book and the rest of Ware's work, please stop by her website:

Thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my ARC.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+,  Reading Romance


I am an Amazon Associate.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Review: Stealing Lumby by Gail Fraser

Stealing Lumby by Gail Fraser (Book 2 in the Lumby Series) (My review of Book 1)
Publisher: New American Library (Penguin Group)
Genre: Fiction
Trade Paperback 318 pages
Book Source: FSB Associates
My Rating: 95/100

From the author's website:

Back in the 1950s, Lumby had a brief moment of fame when renowned artist Dana Porter made two of its picturesque barns the subject of his greatest painting. In Stealing Lumby, the town is jolted from its comfortable obscurity once again when the famous painting disappears and the national media comes a-calling in an effort to solve the mystery. Things go from bad to worse when one of the barns itself goes missing; some see dollar signs in all the attention but others just want to get things back to the way they've always been. There is, after all, the Summer Solstice Moo Doo Iditarod to plan for. All of Lumby's quirkiness comes alive again in this delightful sequel to The Lumby Lines. Faithful readers will recognize old friends, enjoy meeting new ones, and relish all the antics as the story unfolds-as pieces of the stolen barn show up in the strangest of places, a schooner goes sailing down Main Street, and the famous artist considers recreating his masterpiece in a way that amazes all.

My Thoughts:

In this sequel to the Lumby Lines, we once again find ourselves in the small friendly town of Lumby. Familiar faces abound, such as Mark and Pam Walker, the Monks of Montis Abbey, Hank the Flamingo, and other prominent Lumbians. In this story, we are introduced to other residents of Lumby, such as Kate the owner of the barns of Lumby, which were inspiration for the stolen Barns of Lumby painting. We also meet Dana Porter, the octogenarian artist, famous for said stolen painting. We read about his history with Lumby and why it holds a piece of his heart.

Dana's story is interesting because he was in Lumby for only a short time in his youth, but what a special time it was. Lumby and in particular, one of it's most lovable residents, left an indelible mark on Dana. Spending time in Lumby enabled Dana to create the most famous painting of his career. I think his experiences in Lumby also changed his perspective on life.

Lumbians are good, kind hearted people who strive to see the best in everything. They help each other out in times of need, and they have a very true sense of community and family. They also know how to have fun in their own unique way too, such as the Moo Doo Iditarod, which is cow racing. Yes, cow racing. That part of the story was very cute.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters and goings-on in Lumby always put me in a happy place. Lumby is my escape from the big city, and I always enjoy a chance to feel warm and fuzzy and happy.
Here is a quote which I think sums up what this fictional community is about and why I enjoy visiting there:
"But now looking out at all of you, the community of Lumby who cared enough to gather tonight, words come easily- words about the depth and richness of the quality of our lives and how one act of stupidity and greed could never penetrate what you have made together with family and friends."  pg. 128

My Rating: 95/100

 2010 Challenges Met: 100+

Thanks to Caitlin from FSB Associates for my review copy.


I am an Amazon Associate.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Suddenly Sunday (June 13)

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea from Confessions and Ramblings from a Muse in the Fog.  Please stop by her lovely blog if you get the chance.

So my pretty little readers, what a crazy week here.  First off, I have finally recovered from my Fly boys losing the finals to Chicago.  It was a tough loss but in retrospect, they had a magical run.  They made the playoffs on a shoot-out, sudden death win, came back against Boston, and did the best they could.  They have some things to fix in the off season, but the heart, determination and strength they displayed is just awesome.  A big thank you to them for what they did. 

As far as reading goes, I am all over the place right now, and feeling a bit disorganized.  As usual I have reviews to write, and such, but I am also starting to feel like I need to re-evaluate my blog and blogging.  Of course I'm thinking of redecorating, but I am also reconsidering the challenges I have entered, due in large part to a post by Trisha from eclectic/eccentric.  I know I join challenges because I see pretty pictures and think, "Oh yes!  Must join to post that,"  but I'm not very good with the follow through. 

I created my own challenge (Reading Resolutions) to help with that and have promptly fallen off that wagon too.  I have the classics I want to read, but I also have ARCs I want to read too.  I'm getting better with saying no to requests.  Unfortunately, Sourcebooks and FSB Assoc. publish books I enjoy, and thus feed my book addiction.  And that's cool.  Reading is enjoyment for me.  It is a passion for me, as much as hockey and knitting are as well.  Reading and blogging shouldn't feel like work.

So over the next few weeks, I will tweak my blog and how I do things.  I won't give up all of my challenges, because I have met some really lovely people from a few of them, especially my own.  That is a perpetual work in progress in anyway.  So don't be surprised if you stop by one day, and say, "What the heck happened over here!"  It's a good thing.

In other news, so many of you love Vampire Diaries, like my girlfriend at work, so I gave it a good college try.  After two episodes, I can safely say it's not for me.  It's too young (everything is not epic), the guys are too thin and pretty for me (I like my men with some meat on their bones), and I'm generally disinterested.  There are other shows which have attracted my attention (Sons of Anarchy, Justified), and some others I would rather spend time checking out (Supernatural, Dark Shadows 1991).  And don't get me started on summer shows just starting. (My boy is hot over there!)

Well that's everything that is going on right now in my little world.  What is going on in yours?
Have a wonderful week and happy reading :)


I am an Amazon Associate.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Review: Prima Donna by Megan Chance

Publisher: Three Rivers Press (Crown Publishing)
Genre: Fiction, Historical
Trade Paperback, 418 pages
Book Source: Allie from Inkwell Management
My Rating: 90/100


Prima Donna is the story of a woman on the run from her own dark past. As a girl, Sabine Conrad discovered that she had a great gift: a voice like an angel. She also had enough naive ambition to believe the promises made to her. Before she realizes the gravity of her mistake, she is caught up in a decadent, glittering world, feted by Knickerbocker New York’s high society, in demand at concert halls throughout the country–and ensnared by a man who both loves and controls her. Their fates become as entwined as their desire for each other, until at the peak of her fame, Sabine risks everything to break free from his Svengali-like hold.

But her plan backfires, and by the end of the night, she is a criminal, scarred and alone, with nowhere to hide. Changing her appearance and her name, she flees as far from cultured society as she can: to the gritty frontier town of Seattle. There, hidden among the prostitutes, drunks and miners, she must put aside the prima donna she once was, and learn how to survive on her own... until someone from her past returns with a terrifying proposition.

Now, Sabine must answer the question she’s been running from: Can she escape herself to once again find the voice that defines her?

In this dual narrative, told in turn by a young, naive Sabine and her older, wiser counterpart, Megan Chance has written a compelling and complex portrait of a woman who is a stranger to herself, who must find the strength and courage to delve into the truth of her past and remake her life–on her own terms.

My Thoughts:

This is a story about journeys and self-discovery. Sabine Conrad is running from a crime she committed. She is also running from herself and the person she has become. In Seattle she changes her name to Marguerite and tries to become a different person; tries to forget who she is. But you can never change who you really are, especially Marguerite. In her past as Sabine, music and singing were everything to her. They were woven into every fiber of her being. Music was her soul.

Every so often, the chapters are entries from Sabine's journal, written during her early days as she tried to build her singing career. Sabine traveled the country with her brother Barrett and her teacher Gideon. Sabine and Gideon fell in love during this time, and maintained a secret relationship. Both Sabine and Gideon did things they regretted, but most of it was to further Sabine's career. There were no innocent parties, just two people who loved each other, but yet never really communicated with each other. You know, say one thing but mean something else. Good things never come from this type of behavior. As the story unfolds Marguerite likes to think of herself as a victim, but she was just as responsible for her actions as Gideon was for encouraging her. Both of them were at fault.

A leopard can only hide her spots for so long, before they pop out again. So it was for Marguerite and music. She was a sad, empty, shell of a person without her singing. Marguerite tries to ease her pain on a daily basis until she befriends Charlotte. Charlotte starts to coax things out of Marguerite, and the walls she built begin to fall. Marguerite begins to face certain truths, and the story moves forward from there. I don't want to give you any spoilers, but I will tell you that Marguerite eventually comes to terms with Sabine. Her actions, her sense of being, who she is. At least now Sabine can now live her life on her own terms with no more secrets.

With respect to 1880s Seattle frontier, Chance's writing certainly brought that time and place to life for me. It was a rough and tumble place, and women did what they had to to survive. Overall I enjoyed the story, however it did drag a bit in the 3rd quarter of the book. I was also a little tired of Sabine's journal entries because she was acting like a child, not growing up. She was a Prima Donna in the truest sense, whereas Marguerite was growing up and realizing herself, who she was. That probably also comes from what she had to do to survive. Towards the end, the story picks up the pace and ends quite well.

Megan Chance's website

My Rating: 90/100

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Historical Fiction

Thank you Allie for sending me this book to review. 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Interview and Giveaway with Shana Galen, author of The Making of a Duchess

Please give a warm welcome to Shana Galen, author of The Making of a Duchess.  You can read my review here. 

Hi Shana!

Hope this finds you well. Thank you very much for taking time to answer some questions for my readers. Hopefully you haven't been asked these questions before, or at least not all of them :-)

Let's get started,

You have written both Regency and contemporary romance novels. Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why?

First of all, Jenny, thanks for having me!

I have written Regencies and chick lits, but I can’t say I have a preference for one over the other. It was nice to write in different genres because I use different parts of my brain for each. When I was writing a contemporary, the part of my brain that operates in the Regency period was resting and daydreaming. When I was writing historicals, the part of my brain that operates in the present was percolating. Now that I focus on historicals, I do miss contemporaries, and I still have story ideas for them. I just don’t have time to write them!

Is there a particular time period or theme you would like to write about or have your story set in? Why?

I would love to set a story during the World War II era. I love 30s and 40s-era fashion, music, and culture. There was something romantic about that period of our history—men going off to war, more women entering the work force. It was a time of change and that draws me. As a writer, I always look for a big backdrop to surround my story—the glittering ballrooms of England’s ton, the Napoleonic wars. What could be bigger than the tragedies of the Holocaust or the triumphs of the Allies against Hitler? But I wonder how romantic a concentration camp love story could be…I’m not sure any editor would go for it. Not sure readers would either. But it’s in the back of my mind.

Have you ever considered writing a different genre of book, like general fiction or maybe a science fiction/fantasy? (I noticed your Star Wars inspired story.)

Yes, I have. I actually wrote an American-set historical inspirational. It wasn’t well-received and will probably never be published. But I enjoyed trying something new. Right now I have an idea for a science fiction young adult novel. When I get time I’ll work on it and see where it goes.

Is there anything about you, your readers would be surprised to learn? Perhaps something quirky or odd?

I majored in opera my first semester in college. I wanted to be the next Cecilia Bartoli or Joan Sutherland. But after my first semester, I realized I just wasn’t good enough and changed my major to psychology. My crush on my Psych 101 prof, Dr. Lewis, had nothing to do with it!

You have said, “You can't be a writer if you don't read.” So, what books are you currently reading?

I just finished Sophie Jordan’s In Scandal They Wed then I picked up Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani. Next on my pile is Divorced, Desperate and Deceived by Christie Craig. I read everything.

Do you have any hobbies that may distract you from reading and writing?

I have an 8-month old daughter. She can be very distracting!

Lets talk about your latest release, The Making of a Duchess. What was your inspiration for the spy theme?

As I said, I like big backdrops for my novels. Wars are big. Revolutions are big. These are times when countries are in turmoil. Napoleon was a very real threat to English sovereignty. It’s an intriguing time to write about. There were spies. There were traitors. There were deceptions, treason, the selling of secrets. But above all, I think spies are sexy. If you’ve read my other novels, you know a lot of my heroes are spies. This time I thought, what if I turn the tables and write a heroine who’s a spy?

Both your characters deal with issues of wanting to belong, to feel safe and loved, and of feeling totally alone in this world. This brings them together in the end. Do you flesh out your characters first and then build the story around them, or does it come to you as you write the story? (I apologize for this convoluted question.)

That’s a great question. The issues you highlighted are issues that seem to pop up in many of my novels. I don’t know why I keep coming back to those themes except it’s human nature to want to belong and to feel safe and loved. It must be something my unconscious needs to deal with (there’s the Psychology major talking!).

That said, I don’t think about characters or themes as I begin a novel. I just write and try to get to know my characters as I write their stories. I know the bare bones of my plot and the skeleton of my characters, but writing the words—putting the story on the page—is what adds flesh and sinew and, hopefully, muscle.

Sarah starts out timid but learns quickly to stand her ground and becomes quite the strong person, all things considered. Do you prefer strong heroines who match up well with their heroes?

I do. Sometimes I like heroines who can go toe-to-toe with a hero from page 1, but there’s also something endearing about a heroine who needs a little push to achieve her full potential. I like writing heroes who bring out the best in a heroine and vice-versa.

There is quite a bit of adventure and even a little bit of fairy tale woven into this story, especially with Sarah being a governess. Does this mean you have an adventurous side that you inject into your writing? What is your favorite fairy tale?

I definitely like adventure in my romance. Spies, kidnappings, secret treasures, harrowing escapes—I love those aspects of my novels and future novels will have even more adventure. In real life I don’t like adventure. I like my life routine and predictable. No drama! I get thrown by too much change. I would make a very boring heroine!

I’m so glad you picked up on the fairy tale in the book. Do you know I didn’t plan the twist at the end? In fact, the first version of the book had no twist, but when I started revising, I got an idea for a fairy tale twist and went for it. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. I enjoy any story where a character is not what he or she seems.

And finally, what can we expect to see from you in the future? Is there a book with Captain Cutlass in the works?

The Making of a Duchess is the first in a series of books about three brothers separated as boys during the French Revolution. The second book, The Making of a Gentleman, will be out in October. And yes, there is a story with the dashing Captain Cutlass. It’s called The Making of a Rogue, and it will be out in early 2011.

Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you for having me!

For more information about Shana Galen and her previously published works, please stop by her website:


A very dangerous attraction...

Julien Harcourt, duc de Valère, is more than willing to marry the lovely young lady his mother has chosen. Little does he know, she's been sent to prove him a spy and a traitor...

And an even more dangerous secret...

Sarah Smith's mission is to find out whether the Duc's trips to the Continent are as innocent as he claims, but the way he looks at her is far from innocent...

Their risky game of cat and mouse propels them from the ballrooms of London to the prisons of Paris, and into a fragile love that may not survive their deceptions...


Would you like to have your very own copy of The Making of a Duchess?  Thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks, I have 2 copies to giveaway.

Here are the rules:

*Open to U.S. and Canada only. No P.O. Boxes please.

*To enter leave a comment with your email address.

*For an extra entry, post about this on your sidebar and leave me a link.

*Deadline for entries is midnight Saturday, June 19th.

Good luck everyone!


I am an Amazon Associate.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Review: The Making of a Duchess by Shana Galen

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Genre: Romance, Historical Fiction, Regency Era
Paperback, 384 pages
Book Source: Sourcebooks
My Rating: 96/100

About the book:

Twelve years after fleeing their burning chateau, Julien Harcourt, Duc de Valère, searches for his lost twin brothers. His frequent travels between England and France at a time when the exiled Napoleon is reported to be marshaling his troops raises the suspicions of English authorities who set secret operative Sarah Smith on his trail. A risky game of cat and mouse leads the two from the ballrooms of London to the prisons of Paris and into a fragile love that neither dares to hope for… The first in a trilogy of three brothers struggling to reconnect and restore their noble heritage in the aftermath of the French Revolution, each losing his heart along the way.

My Thoughts:

Sara Smith is put into an impossible situation: she must spy on Julien Harcourt or else.  This task is for King and country, but she is not accustomed to lying and spying.  It's not her thing.  Sara goes about her task the best she can, but the Duc is an imposing, irresistibly cute gentleman.  It is hard for the both of them to ignore the sparks that fly between them, whenever they spend any amount of time together.

Julien has fought hard to take care of his mother and rebuild the family fortune that was lost during the Revolution.  The most important things to Julien are his family and their safety, hence his search for his lost brothers.  If only Sara knew this, for they share the same wants, a family and sense of belonging.  Julien and Sara are ideal for each other.  They share the same beliefs of family and security, are strong determined people who stand up for what is right and fair, and both just want to be loved.  How sweet is that?

Julien and Sara are two characters that had more oomph to them than your average romance novel.  At least that was my take.  Both have issues to deal with, more so than a usual romance novel, and both are very strong people.  Sara is scared and a wee bit skittish in the beginning, but she soon gets herself together and goes about her business.  Julien tries to do what "duty" and society expect him to do, but eveventually does what he thinks is right.  Julien and Sara make a good match because they are equally strong in the story.  That is what I liked so much about this book.

The story has a spy theme, so there is a lot of intrigue, and there were a few places where I had to read quickly because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next.  There were adventures throughout the story and as a whole the novel had a fine pace.  Galen paints an excellent picture of her setting as well.  There were some grand society events, rides through London, and beautiful clothing described.  All in all it made for a wonderfully exciting read.

There is one thing I should mention, although it is minor.  There is a reveal at the end of the book, that at first, I thought was cliche.  However, after consideration, the reveal goes with what I perceived as a fairy tale element of the story.  The spy story, a girl from a humble background, boy and girl meet, fall in love, have adventures together....catch my drift?  I don't want to give the story away, but the reveal totally makes sense.  Besides, it's a romance novel!  How could this detail not be included? 

All in all I really fancied this story, and I look forward to reading the other two books in this trilogy.  I also plan on reading Galen's previously published works as well.  The woman writes a satisfyingly fun story!

Shana Galen's website:

My Rating: 96/100

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Historical Fiction, Reading Romance

Thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my review copy.


I am an Amazon Associate.