
Monday, March 29, 2010

A Mother's Dream and the Pepsi Refresh Project

I don't usually pass this stuff on, or tell people to do things, but I read the story and thought the least I could do is vote.

A friend of mine asked me to read this article and then vote for the idea. This mother has lost two children to infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She would like to buy her grandmother's house and turn it into a retreat, memorial garden and place for fundraisers. I thought it sounded like a worthy cause and voted.

Please read the article here and if you agree then click this link to vote. You may have to register.

I apologize if this sounds pushy or whatever, but I thought passing the word couldn't hurt. Thanks guys and enjoy your day :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Winner of The Scarlett Lion

The winner of a fresh new copy of The Scarlett Lion by Elizabeth Chadwick is
Carol M

And the winner of my gently used copy is


Woo-hoo!  Congratulations girls!
Thanks to everyone for entering and to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.


Sunday Reflections are now Suddenly Sunday

Suddenly Sunday was started by Svea at Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog. It is her weekly summary in response to the Sunday Salon, which is closed to new participants. Many blogs I read are now doing the Suddenly Sunday too so I figured why not? I started Sunday Reflections for many of the same reasons, but Svea's picture is much more prettier than mine. Plus Sundays do happen suddenly at the end of the weekend. Crap! It's Sunday and I have to go to work tomorrow.

With respect to reading, I am currently reading The Founding by Cynthia Harrod Eagles. This is book one in the Morland Dynasty series, and it is quite good. This series was recommended to me by Amy from Passages to the Past, so when Sourcebooks offered it I jumped at the chance.

Next up on the list is Lost Letter by Neil Mulligan . I'm really looking forward to that. Unfortunately I fell behind due to this head cold, that I am still fighting off. It has really kicked my butt. Each day, little by little I feel better. It's just slow going.

On the personal front, I may be teaching a class this summer, and I may be returning to school for my Masters. Both opportunities are at the same school, which is where I finished my Bachelors degree. Apparently they are trying to start a new program for a Masters in Health care Education. If I went for my Masters, education would be the area I would study.

I am currently in Health Information Management (Medical Records) and to be more specific, Billing Compliance. You have any questions related to Medicare billing; I am your girl. Seriously, when your parents become of age and you have questions, I would be more than happy to help you. National health insurance = more administrative rules = job security for Jenny. But I digress. I have a meeting on Tuesday to discuss this new program and my possible teaching assignment.

I am very excited about it. I have always wanted to teach, and the little bit I do now, I enjoy greatly. And I always wanted a little more than my bachelors, but something I am interested in. I promised my hubby I wouldn't kill myself again because the bachelors was not easy. I applaud any adult who goes back to school.

So anyway, other than that, not much else going on. Oh yes, Fringe comes back this week. YEA! I'm so excited. I love that show as much as LOST. You should give it a try this week, because it's going to be a doozy.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week and happy reading. For more Suddenly Sunday posts, stop by here.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

LOST: Ab Aeterno

Part of the LOST Book Challenge

Since the beginning of time....from the everlasting

.....we have been sucked in by LOST. No, seriously, this episode gives us a lot to think about, discuss, and ponder. That's why I needed an extra day, because I wasn't really sure what I watched. I will probably go back and watch it again.

This episode was fantastic and Carbonell has certainly waited in the wings long enough for his chance to shine. I completely sympathize with Richard and feel, that out of of everyone on the show, Richard got a raw deal.
Here are my thoughts:

* What's with the biblical theme? What happened to the possible time travel, and frozen wheels, getting dumped in Tunisia, and the Dharma initiative? Is the biblical theme because Richard refers to this in his heaven and hell terms? He is very religious, as this showed, and just because people where black and white doesn't make them good and evil. I still think it's some sort of good versus evil going on here but it's a bit convoluted. Which brings me to....

* I know we are supposed to think Jacob is good, but I can't. Why? Because what good force manipulates peoples lives, brings them to an island to probably die, just to prove that people can change and are not totally corruptible? Yes, Smokey Locke kills people, but you know if someone was going to kill me with their sword, I would want someone to take him out. Jacob had been stalking these people their entire lives, apparently. How is this good? I'm just saying I'm not completely sold on the goodness of Jacob. Count me in Sawyer's camp I guess.

Come here. I just want to touch you. Come on! Let me touch you!

Love this guy. Great job very convincing

* Poor Richard makes an off handed remark about living forever, never dieing, so Jacob immediately grants him this? No questions asked? See above.

* I did appreciate learning how the Black Rock got there, and statue was broken. Easy enough.

* Hurley talking to dead people. What is up with that? Taking over for Jacob? Perhaps, but Sawyer is another one of my leading candidates. He gave himself up before for the benefit of the others. He may do it again. Sayid for the MIB replacement. He already has the black tank top, why stop now.

* Poor Richard has been manipulated his entire life, and I completely feel for the guy. I think he will be his own man from now on.

That's about all I can remember for now. I know I won't get all my answers and that's cool, but I just want it to make some sort of sense. Please? That's not too much to ask is it?

For my posts, stop by the LOST Book Challenge.

2010 Challenges Met: LOST

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Winner of the Highlander's Sword by Amanda Forester

The winner of a new copy from Sourcebooks is

Stacy Buckeye

The winner of my gently used copy is


Thank you for entering everybody :)

Review: Lumby Lines by Gail Fraser

Publisher: NAL Trade
Trade Paperback, 336 pages
Book Source: FSB Associates


Nestled in the Northwest is a quaint little town that its quirky residents are proud to call home. With charming shops lining its one main thoroughfare, Lumby is home to the oldest apple tree in the county and the smallest bank in the state. And though it's hours from the nearest big city, readers will always find Lumby close to their hearts.

When Mark and Pam Walker, a vacationing couple from the East Coast, decide to restore Lumby's ramshackle Montis Abbey and turn it into an inn, it takes a while for the locals to warm up to them. Especially the irascible William Beezer, owner of The Lumby Lines-the newspaper "worth the paper it's printed on." At every turn, he tries to hinder the Walkers' efforts. But the couple soon learns that for every citizen like William, there are many more willing to lend a hand-and that Lumby isn't just a place, it's a way of life.

My Thoughts:

What an adorable book! Truly! This was a cute, feel good, warm hearted story, which is something I don't read very often. I don't know why, I just don't. Maybe because most of them sound trite. This one didn't.

Mark and Pam Walker decide to chuck it all and follow their dream, which is something I can support. (I would do mine tomorrow if I could.) They love and support each other, and are all around good decent people. Normal people if you will.

The town of Lumby is what one thinks of when you say small town. Everyone knows one another and they are suspicious of outsiders, which is understandable. However, given time the residents of Lumby come around to welcoming the Walkers. The Walkers made a big change and Lumby doesn't exactly embrace change, but the two come together in the end.

The writing in this book was wonderful. I was able to picture Lumby for the beautiful scenic town that it is. The residents are quirky and their actions are just what one would expect to find in a small town. They made me chuckle. Every so often, Fraser also includes the list of calls and complaints the Lumby Sheriff's Office receives. These little one liners enhance and reinforce the story of this small town. Fraser has created quite the little community here in the Northwest. I would definitely pay them a visit of they were real.

This book is the first in a series about the town of Lumby and its residents. You can be sure I'll be reading the next one in the series. Click here to visit the author's website to learn more.

[edit cause I forgot!]]
My Rating: 95/100. I really enjoyed this book and read through it so quickly that I was mad at myself for having done so.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+

Thank you to FSB Associates for my review copy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Musing Monday (Mar. 21)

MUSING MONDAYS is hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page. Sorry for the late post but work was busy today!

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about tbr books.

Where do you keep the books on the top of the tbr pile? Not the bulk of the mountain, but just the tip of the peak – the ‘almost up to’ books?

Oh my, I have many piles of books, but the ones that are next up on my tbr are beside my bed on the nightstand. They are usually in the order that they need to be read because of deadlines and such.

Now as far as my shelves go...well lets not discuss that at the moment :)

How about you?

Stop by here to read what others had to say.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Review: The Stolen Crown by Susan Higginbotham

Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
Genre: Historical fiction
Trade paperback, 400 pages
Book Source: Sourcebooks Publishing

From Sourcebooks:

When six-year-old Kate Woodville’s beautiful sister Elizabeth makes a shocking—and secret—marriage to King Edward IV in 1464, Kate and her large family are whisked to the king’s court. Soon a bedazzled Kate becomes one of the greatest ladies in the land when she marries young Harry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham. But Kate’s fairy-tale existence as a duchess is shattered when the ongoing conflict between the houses of Lancaster and York engulfs the Woodville family.

As Edward IV fights to keep his crown, Harry’s relatives become hopelessly divided between Lancaster and York. Forced constantly to struggle with his own allegiances, Harry faces his defining moment when his dear friend Richard, Duke of Gloucester, determines to seize the throne for himself as Richard III. With lives in jeopardy and nothing less than a dynasty at stake, Harry’s loyalties—and his conscience—will be put to the ultimate test.

Lancastrians against Yorkists: greed, power, murder, and war. As the story unfolds through the unique perspective of Kate Woodville, it soon becomes apparent that not everyone is wholly evil—or wholly good.

My Thoughts:

Kate Woodville and Harry Stafford are the narrators of the events in this book. Their marriage and positions at court allowed them to be observers of the major events which occurred during this time: the rise of Edward IV, the defeat of Warwick the Kingmaker, the rise and fall of Richard III, and lastly the beginning of the Tudor dynasty with Henry VII.

The chapters switch back and forth between Kate and Harry's point of view. It is them reflecting back on the past and telling their side or opinion of the events. Both are excellent story tellers and a wee bit sarcastic which I love. Whatever their faults, Kate and Harry did love each other and unfortunately live in a point in time when reason and loyalty did not always prevail.

I think by using two characters who were not major players at court (at least for the most part) Higginbotham is able to present the events in a very even handed manner. It allows the reader to draw their own conclusions. When Edward IV marries Bess, he brings her large family to court, arranging powerful marriages, and securing them high positions. How else was Edward going to break free from Warwick's influence? Edward built his own power base via the Woodville family, making them a target for every one's jealousy.

Richard III and his thirst for power: He executes anyone who is a threat to him and his bid for the throne, including many of the Woodvilles and Edward IV's two young sons. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Richard uses the admiration and love, albeit not totally brotherly love, Harry Stafford bears for him to gain the throne.

It would be easy to despise Harry for this, but when you consider his lonely childhood, his family background, being ignored at court for many years growing up, his actions are understandable. Harry had loved and idolized Richard since childhood, and at one point the two even became blood brothers. There was almost nothing Harry wouldn't do for Richard, and he knew that. Harry does try to make amends for his actions but is unable to see them through. At least Harry was the spark for the beginning of the end of the War of the Roses.

It is interesting that at some points, Kate and Harry were on opposite sides of this conflict. Yet in the end, they remained true to one another.

I loved this book. I thought the writing was free and easy; the tale just flowed. The story drew me in by the end of page one and I felt for each and every character, even Richard III. This is yet another book that makes me want to seek out more information about Richard the III, and the events leading up to Edward IV's reign.

At the end of the story, Higginbotham includes a few pages of notes and her reasoning for character selection and portrayal of events. I thought her notes were quite interesting and was the perfect way to close out the book.

My Rating: 97/100. I enjoyed the writing immensely and look forward to reading Higginbotham's other books.

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Historical Fiction, Reading Romance

Thank you to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my review and giveaway copy.


If you would like to win a copy of this book, please stop here for your chance to win.

Giveaway: The Stolen Crown

Would you like to win your very own copy of The Stolen Crown by Susan Higginbotham?

If so, just follow these simple rules for your chance to win:

*U.S. and Canada only. No P.O. boxes please.
*Leave a comment with your email address.
*Post on your sidebar for an additional entry.
*Deadline to enter is midnight Thursday, April 1st

One winner will be chosen to receive a copy from Sourcebooks.
Good luck everyone!

Thank you Sourcebooks :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Musing Monday

Musing Monday is hosted by Rebecca from Just One More Page.
Today she asks the following:

Do you have a favourite picture book, either from your own childhood, or reading to you children?

My first musing of 2010 and at first glance I would have to say no. I don't have kids and can't remember picture books from my childhood. I did recently look at a photo book of Versailles palace. Would that count? That book was fabulous. The rooms are just breath taking. The opulence and expenses is mind bending. No wonder the peasants were pissed when they stormed the palace.

For more musings stop by here.

What about you? What's your answer?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Reflections (Mar. 14)

Hey everybody! How are you? Hope this finds you all well. This week I'm thinking about my utilization of Google Reader and all the breaking up people have been doing with theirs. A few bloggers have posted about this but unfortunately my congested sinuses are not allowing me to remember who they are at the moment. Anyway, these posts made me think, because I use Google Reader, but probably not as well as I should. I also read blogs from my Dashboard in blogger, and the ones along my side bar. I also subscribe to a few via email.

You would think they would all be the same but no, they are not, thus making me inefficient. I thought Google Reader would help me with this, but when I open it and see 100+ posts not read, it makes me break out into a sweat. I also don't like how you can't see all of the blogs listed along the side, you have to scroll. Sorry but I like to see a good portion of what I read/follow.

So, what to do? Well I've been thinking that maybe I should just list everything along the side bar of my blog. I go there almost everyday and then I can scan and see what's up. However, will that slow the load time of my page? Don't know about that. I also don't like that people can see what's in my Google Reader vis Buzz. I had stopped that but it seems to be back again.

Google Buzz...that's another I won't touch, but leads me into my next reflection: my media policy. Amy from My Friend Amy posted about this, and seems like a good idea. Let people know how you handle comments, Twitter, etc. Basically stating the facts up front. However, Amy is a prolific blogger and I am not. Do I really need to have a social media policy? The jury is out on that one.

So, what do you guys think? How do you handle the above issues? Am I the only one thinking about this stuff? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Now I'm off to bed for a while. Some NyQuil and Vicks vapor rub and I should feel half human by dinner time. Happy reading and talk to you later.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Giveaway: The Scarlett Lion

Would you like to win your very own copy of The Scarlett Lion by Elizabeth Chadwick?

If so, just follow these simple rules for your chance to win:

*U.S. and Canada only. No P.O. boxes please.
*Leave a comment with your email address.
*Post on your sidebar for an additional entry.
*Deadline to enter is midnight, Saturday, March 27th.

The winner will receive a brand spanking new copy from Sourcebooks and one runner-up will receive my gently used ARC copy. So you have two chances to win.
Good luck everyone!

Thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks for sponsoring this contest.

Review: The Scarlett Lion by Elizabeth Chadwick

Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Historical fiction
Trade Paperback, 576 pages
Book Source: Sourcebooks publishing

From Sourcebooks:

A page-turning novel of honor, intrigue, treachery, and love, continuing the story of England's greatest knight of the Middle Ages, William Marshal. By 1197 William Marshal's prowess with a sword and loyalty with his heart have been rewarded by the hand in marriage of Isabelle de Clare—heiress to great estates— and their brood is growing. But their contentment and security is shattered when King Richard dies. Forced down a precarious path by the royal injustices of the vindictive King John, the Marshals teeter on a razor-thin line of honor that threatens to tear apart the very heart of their family. This novel can stand alone from Elizabeth’s first US release, The Greatest Knight.

My Thoughts:

Oh Miss Chadwick. I tried! I really, really tried! So many of my blog friends love you to pieces, and devour your books. That's why I wanted to read this one. I got to page 185 and put it down for a bit. I was a bit bored with Marshal, his wife, and passel of children. I read another book and tried to come back to the Lion, but again, no interest. I could have cared less what happened to these characters.

But the funny thing is, I do want to read the beginning of their the story, The Greatest Knight. It sounds much more exciting than the Scarlett Lion. More action and intrigue to be had. I wanted to read the Greatest Knight first but couldn't fit it in. Could that be why I was not that vested in these characters? Possibly, but I was able to pick up their story no problem. I didn't feel I was lacking any background information.

I did skim through the remainder of the book and see that the story covers many years. Marshal sees several of his children married with families of their own. Marshal also finally gets the recognition he truly deserves. I won't give any more away than that. You can say I read the end of the book.

As with any novel, Chadwick's historical details and side characters are impeccably described. The battles, scenery, ailments, childbirth (said shivering) are described so as to firmly place the reader into the story. King John is swarmy, filthy, and just down right nasty. It is the perfect contrast to the goodness and honesty of Marshal.

A fellow reviewer friend of mine said she enjoys the Chadwick books about fictional people better then the real people. Therefore that will be what I choose the next time I want to read a Chadwick novel. The woman is prolific and wrote over 15 books. Her books are not small either people. I'm sure there is something there that will amuse me.

Other bloggers have read this book and enjoyed it. I've provided you links to other reviews as a counterpoint to my review:

Long and Short Reviews

She Read a Book

Laura's Reviews

Historical Tapestry

Also, please make sure you stop by Historical Fiction Bloggers Round Table the week of March 21-27. They will have more reviews and articles about this book.

My Rating: n/a. I don't feel as if I can. I didn't finish the book, and didn't want to. Enough said.

Oh, and here is who I pictured as King John, but maybe a bit dirtier:

This was from Robin Hood on BBC America, which has been cancelled. But I highly recommend watching all of the seasons anyway.

Thank you to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my review and giveaway copy. Yes, giveaway copy. Stop back later for details.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LOST 6.7: Dr. Linus

This is not a recap just my thoughts and observations on the show.

* I enjoy seeing all of the characters meet up in the beta verse. I also think it's very interesting how Locke was there in both verses to advise Ben on what to do. It's like Locke is helping Ben find himself.

* Finding or realizing your true self. I think that's what all of these character centric episodes are about. It doesn't matter where they are, they are basically the same person. Their best traits are innate and will never change. This is who you are, right or wrong, now what are you going to do about it. Ben is good at manipulating people, whether for good or evil. Sayid is good at killing people, whether for are good or evil. (btw, for the record I don't think Sayid is evil. He is just taking the problem people or leaders out. He does what needs to be done, because lets face it, Dogan wasn't giving up any answers, just causing problems.)

* Ben and his Dad getting off the island. Interesting and what happened with the whole Dharma initiative thing? Did everyone leave because of the explosion? Or are those questions that will never get answered? There are only 9 episodes left people. Give me some Dharma answers.

* Loved seeing Alex Rousseau again and Ben still being a father figure to her. Obviously off the island, and that would make a great show.

* The end when they all meet up again on the beach and Widmore is in the submarine. That's how they are getting off the island. How the two verses will meet or match up I don't know.

* Miles finding the diamonds. What else will his talents be used for?

* This probably goes back to last week, but we don't know for certain that Jacob is good. He did some real crappy things to some of the people on the island, like Sayid's girlfriend getting killed. Jacob is another master manipulator, and he touched them all. Just like Richard said last night, once you are touched by Jacob...

* Richard: I feel for the poor guy. He used to have all the answers and now he is in the dark and trying to kill himself, which even that doesn't work out for him.

* Candidates to take over Jacob's job: I'm liking Sawyer, Jack, or Hurley. They just seem to accept their fates more readily than the others. I think once Jack gets his answers he will be more accepting like the other two. They all seem to have nothing to lose by staying on the island. What do they have to go back to?

* And can they go back? Maybe not. They may be split forever. It was a nuclear explosion, atoms and all of that.

Well that's about all that I can recall. Enjoyed the episode because Emerson is such a great actor. So is the guy who plays Locke (forgot his name, sorry).

How in the world will this all end??????

More thoughts can be found here

2010 Challenges Met: LOST

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Giveaway: The Highlander's Sword

Would you like to win your very own copy of The Highlander's Sword by Amanda Forester?

If so, just follow these simple rules for your chance to win:

*U.S. and Canada only. No P.O. boxes please.
*Leave a comment with your email address.
*Post on your sidebar for an additional entry.
*Deadline to enter is midnight, Saturday, March 20th.

The winner will receive a brand spanking new copy from Sourcebooks and one runner-up will receive my gently used copy. So you have two chance to win.
Good luck everyone!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Review: The Highlander's Sword by Amanda Forester

Genre: Romance, historical fiction, Scottish Highlanders
Paperback, 352 pages
Book Source: Sourcebooks

From Sourcebooks and the back cover:

Scottish Highlands romance is a perennial favorite, especially when it's as intriguing and sexy as The Highlander's Sword. Set against the backdrop of the rugged Scottish Highlands and the tumultuous 14th century, Lady Aila Graham is destined for the convent until her brother's death leaves her an heiress and her father hastily arranges a marriage for her with a Highland warrior she's never met.

The Sword Brought Them Together
Lady Aila's dreams of a quiet life are shattered when her hand and fortune are pledged to Padyn MacClaren in exchange for the veteran knight's promise to protect her clan from a vicious threat.

But Only Love Can Bind Their Hearts
Hardened by a life of violence and betrayal, Padyn believes a strong sword arm is all he needs to keep his new bride safe. But a devastating misunderstanding on their wedding night sets off a chain of violent events. Aila and Padyn must throw caution to the winds if they are to forge the powerful bond they'll need to save the clan...

My Thoughts:

Ah, the brooding misunderstood Highlander and the well-dowered damsel in distress. As much as I wanted to enjoy this book, I could not. It started out really well, but then Lady Aila runs away to the convent and it was pretty much down hill from there for me. The story was too predictable and I did not like Aila or Padyn. I know this is a romance book and all of that, but these two were exasperating to read about. Padyn sees Aila looking like a nun and thinks that he probably can't trust her because she's a woman. She will use her beauty to dazzle him. Aila, although very adept at being chatelaine of the castle, runs and hides at the convent because she is super confused and doesn't know what to do. Aila seems weak at times, but then does a bold thing. It's like I couldn't get a read on these two. Both Padyn and Aila have these flashes of brilliance I liked, then they would do something silly, and I would be disappointed.

I did like the secondary characters of Chaumont and Aila's father Graham. Chaumont provided snarky commentary and Graham was the laird of his clan I expected him to be. The details about dress, the countryside, and the castle were interesting. The overall feel of the story was definitely Scottish.

I'm not exactly sure why I had this reaction to the book. Maybe I like my female characters to have stronger personalities. Maybe this type of romance wasn't for me, even though I have read Scottish romances before. Whatever the case may be, don't let my dissatisfaction totally sway you. Other bloggers have read this book and enjoyed it. I've provided you links to other reviews as a counterpoint to my review:

Linda at Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell


Long and Short Reviews

Yankee Romance Reviewers

Amanda, I'm sorry I didn't like your book but if you write featuring Chaumont as the lead, I'm there!

My Rating: 79/100

2010 Challenges Met: 100+, Historical Fiction, Reading Romance

Thanks to Danielle from Sourcebooks for my review copy and giveaway copy.
That's right...giveaway copy. Stop back tomorrow for your chance to win.

Here is a video trailer I found while searching for reviews. See, Chaumont is HOT!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Reflections (March 7)

Oh my goodness it's March people! Time is just whizzing by lately. There has been lots going on here lately. Last weekend I spent making pizzelles for a baby shower at work. The mother-to-be is a good friend of mine which is why I made pizzelles off-season. They were such a pain in the butt!

I also had to furiously work to finish her gift. I knitted her a baby blanket. The pattern is the Modern Baby Blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting. This suits her well since she is modern and minimalistic. And yes, it's a girl. Here's a not so good picture of said blanket:

As far as reading goes, it's been up and down lately; either really good or bor-ing! I did pick up some books from the library. I had place holds on these books when I was snowed in back in February. The books I picked up are:

The Secret History of the Pink Carnation by Lauren Willig.
I've been wantign to read this one since it came out.

Deadly Love by Brenda Joyce. (Recommend by Stacybuckeye)

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I've seen and heard about this trilogy all over the web so I thought why not give them a try.

Gosh I love my library!

I am currently reading The Stolen Crown by Susan Higginbotham and totally loving it. Her writing is free and easy and the characters are great story tellers.

I have a review of The Highlander's Sword by Amanda Forester, scheduled for tomorrow and a contest going up on Tuesday, so be sure and check back for that. Later this week I may have a review for The Scarlett Lion by Elizabeth Chadwick. Was not crazy about this all. I am always the odd ball, aren't I? Oh well, at least I'm honest.

That's about it. Hope all of you have a lovely week and as always, thank you so much for stopping by. I greatly appreciate it :)

Happy reading!

Winners! Oh we have winners!

Finally! I know. So without further ado......

The winners of a copy of Island of the Swans are....


just peachy

The winner of the Altman pack is ....

bison 61

Woo-hoo! Congrats and I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did.

Thanks again to Danielle from Sourcebooks for these giveaways.